Category Archives: Soybean

Think Twice Before Cutting PRE-Applied Herbicides

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Picture 1. 2011 Palmer amaranth take over a soybean field after 32 ozs of Roundup PowerMax 

It is apparent from numerous calls that many growers this spring are planning to cut rates on PRE-applied herbicides in soybean and cotton.  I can understand the mindset with the depressed commodity prices, however I fear it may be the catalyst for Palmer amaranth history to repeat itself. Continue reading

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Glyphosate-Resistant Johnsongrass Management

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Johnsongrass Escaping Glyphosate Burndown

Large patches of Johnsongrass that have gotten through glyphosate burndown are now very prevalent in many fields. This is particularly noticeable in several southeastern counties of West Tennessee where some of the Johnsongrass has shaken off burndown and now is almost waist high in some cases. The main threat with Johnsongrass is in corn where there are few POST applied options. Continue reading

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Ryegrass Weed Control in April

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Picture 1. Roundup PM 32 ozs/A 21 days after application

A good many reports from the field reflect what our research this spring has shown.  In short, clethodim is the herbicide of choice to control ryegrass.  Often clethodim tankmixed with glyphosate can improve the probability of better overall control.  Ryegrass control with glyphosate alone is much more hit and miss both in our research and in many fields this year (Picture 1). Continue reading

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Cover Crop Burndown

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Good soybean stand in cover crop cereal rye

It is cover crop burndown time. There is no one size fits all recommendation for cover crop control.  It really depends on the environment and the cover crop species in the field.  With rain predicted over the next few days, one should be mindful that cover crop burndown can be tricky during periods of saturated soil conditions. This is particularly true with systemic herbicides where translocation of those herbicides to growing points can become limited. Continue reading

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Ryegrass Burndown

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Corn in a ryegrass field

Ryegrass was a major issue last spring. For managing GR ryegrass, it is best to do it as early as practical and utilize a clethodim + glyphosate tankmix. This tankmix needs to be applied at least 30 days ahead of corn planting to use a clethodim rate that has any chance of controlling well established ryegrass. Continue reading

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Lily Weed Family Burndown

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Blue flowers distinguish grape hyacinth from wild garlic

There have been questions on control of wild garlic, grape hyacinth and in a few cases, star-of-Bethlehem. These three weeds, in the Lily family, are often mistaken for each other as they all derive from bulbs and are low-growing perennials. Continue reading

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Converting Between Mehlich 1 and 3 Soil Test Values for West Tennessee Soils

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Most of the commercial and state soil testing laboratories in and around Tennessee use and prescribe fertilizer recommendations based on Mehlich 3 soil test extraction method. Most growers may receive soil test results from laboratories that utilizes Mehlich 3 soil test extraction method. However, The University of Tennessee gives fertilizer recommendations based on the Mehlich 1 extractant. This makes it difficult for growers to take advantage of The University of Tennessee fertilizer recommendations. Currently, the Mehlich 1 and 3 conversion equations used in TN were derived from the University of Kentucky, which were based on Kentucky soils (Table 1). Continue reading

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