Category Archives: Sorghum

Sugarcane aphids spreading quickly in sorghum

Sugarcane aphid (click to enlarge)
Sugarcane aphid (click to enlarge)

The sugarcane aphid has now been confirmed at low numbers in multiple counties in Lauderdale, Shelby, Hardin, Hardeman, Chester, and Henderson Counties. I’m sure they are present in all the southern counties bordering Mississippi. One difference this year is that those in the middle part of the state, especially in counties bordering Alabama and Georgia, need to be alert. Populations are on the increase. What does this mean! Continue reading

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Sugarcane aphids, whorl-feeding caterpillars, and bees in sorghum

Sugarcane aphids have now been confirmed in Shelby County.  The good news is that populations are very low at this time, and it seems to me that we are on a similar schedule as last year. Thus, I’m hoping that much of the early grain sorghum will be at low risk to serious infestations. The bad news is we seem to be on a similar schedule to last year, and we should anticipate that Continue reading

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Moth Trapping Reminder

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Just a reminder that weekly moth trap catches in pheromone traps can be accessed by clicking on “Moth Trapping Data” under Quick Links on the left menu of our news site. This includes catches of bollworm (corn earworm), tobacco budworm, and southwestern corn borer. There is nothing exciting to report at this time, but be on a lookout for a spike in southwestern corn borer catches over the next two weeks. Over the past several years, this has occurred sometime between late June and mid July.

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Insecticide Rainfastness

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With scattered rains in the forecast and plant bugs in our cotton, the question of rainfastness always comes up. This most common question this year has been … should I use Acephate/Orthene to get rapid knock down of plant bugs before the rain hits? The short answer is not necessarily, and let me explain why. Continue reading

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