Category Archives: Pasture

Publications Available – Insect and Weed Control Recommendations

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PB 1768, Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops for Tennessee is available online and includes IPM recommendations for cotton, corn, soybean, sorghum, wheat and pasture (LINK HERE).

PB 1580, 2012 Weed Control Manual for Tennessee is also available and includes information for field and forage crops, harvest aids, and farm ponds (LINK HERE).

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Fall Armyworm in Pastures

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There have been a few reports of treatable numbers of fall armyworms in Bermudagrass pasture.  So remember to be watching closely, and keep in mind that this is a problem that will often continue into September.  UT recommends treatment when 4 or more larvae are found per square foot.  An alternative is to cut for hay if it is within a week of harvest.  The larvae will not feed on cut grass.  A number of treatments are listed for the control of fall armyworm larvae in UT’s insect control recommendations for pasture. Continue reading

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