Category Archives: Insects

What Kind of Eggs are These?

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Another bug identification quiz for you. These are the eggs of a predator which is sometimes mistaken for a pest. This species lays its eggs in a cluster.  A crown of spines around the top of each egg is a good hint. Both the nymphs and adults will attack may different kinds of prey, but they are commonly seen feeding on caterpillars.  They are often found in soybean and cotton.  The scientific name for this species is Podisus maculiventris (Order Hemiptera; Family Pentatomidae).  Still don’t know? Continue reading

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Moth Trapping Data (Week Ending August 16th)

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Week Ending August 16 – Corn earworm (bollworm) moth catches remained relatively high this week.  As I said last week, we should have heightened awareness for this pest, especially in late maturing fields of soybean and susceptible cotton fields. Beet armyworm moth catches were well up Continue reading

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What the Heck is This?

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Meet the caterpillar stage of the silver spotted skipper (Epargyreus clarus).  It is not uncommon to catch a few of these while sweeping soybean fields for insects.  Although the larva is a foliage feeder, it is not really considered a pest because it rarely, if ever, occurs in numbers high enough to cause Continue reading

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