Reports are variable but many are seeing a large increase in the numbers of tarnished plant bugs in cotton, especially nymphs. It is disheartening when populations actually increase 5-7 days after an application was made, but this doesn’t generally indicate a insecticide failure. For example, we rated a test Continue reading
Category Archives: Insects
Fall Armyworms in Pastures
Below is a repeat of an article written in 2014, and this is just a reminder to be checking your pasture grasses for infestations of fall armyworms. I’ve received several reports of treatable infestations occurring in Bermudagrass. Continue reading
Pesticide Points and CEUs at Milan No-Till Field Day
Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Points can be obtained in C1, C10 and C12. Seven points will be available in each category. A total of 13 Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units will also be available. See the complete breakdown here.
Spider Mites and Plant Bugs in Cotton
It’s shaping up to be a busy year managing plant bugs, but I’m also seeing and hearing about spider mites in some fields. I’ve previously discussed insecticide selection for plant bugs (see linked articles below). Now that almost all of the cotton is blooming, you should begin focusing on immature plant bugs when you sample. I prefer using Continue reading
Online Insect Scouting Videos
I just wanted two remind folks that we have some good video resources to help you better manage insects in your crops. With one exception, these videos are about 10 minutes in length and focus on the most likely problems you will encounter. Continue reading
Southwestern Corn Borers in Corn
Below is an exact repeat of an article last year, actually on the same date, which is reminder that our first and second generation flights of southwestern corn borer (SWCB) tend to occur at the same time each year. Continue reading
Managing Plant Bugs in Cotton Near or at Early Bloom
We’ve had a recent spike of tarnished plant bug movement into cotton fields in many areas, and I’ve received a number of calls about what to spray. There are several options to consider. Once blooming has begun or when nymphs become more common, I suggest Continue reading
Reminder – Soybean Scout Schools in July
UT’s Soybean Scout Schools are scheduled in July for the dates and locations below. The programs are supported by the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board and include basic information about crop development, scouting procedures, and Continue reading