As people start considering planting wheat, there are a few things to keep in mind that will save you some unnecessary insect problems. Below are a few bullet points for your consideration. Continue reading
Category Archives: Insects
Mitigating Insect Management Effects on Pollinators (Recorded Presentation)
The Plant Management Network has released another online presentation in their “Focus on Cotton” series. This new 10 minute video offers suggestions on the steps that growers, pesticide applicators, and beekeepers can take to reduce any negative effects of pesticide applications on honey bees and other pollinators. Link below to watch this presentation narrated by yours truly.
2016 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide
Tennessee’s 2016 cotton crop is rapidly maturing and many of our acres will receive the first shot of defoliant in the next week. There are many factors to consider in determining timing, products and rates. In an effort to outline these decisions and provide harvest aid recommendations for the Mid-South, the 2016 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide has just been updated and is now available online. To access the guide, click the image above or the included link. Please keep in mind that this was compiled as a regional guide and should be used in conjunction with your previous experiences. Continue reading
Insect Observations
Below are a few comments/observations for your consideration are we near the end of the growing season.
Corn – We’ve generally observed more corn borers in non-Bt corn this year. They had a comeback following a relatively mild winter. It might be a good idea to Continue reading
Cotton turning . . . too soon?
The call of the week (beyond target spot) has concerned cotton ‘turning’. In the dictionary of cotton rhetoric, ‘turning’ refers to the shift in canopy color from dark green to shades of yellow and red, or senescence, which usually coincides with the second or third week of football season. Over the past week, the crop has definitely made a turn towards finishing out the season . . . and kickoff for the first game is still a few days away. The general concern is this change has occurred much more rapidly and earlier than we would like. So are we looking at premature senescence and yield penalties? Continue reading
Soybean insect update – changes in insect treatment thresholds effective immediately!
I had a client call suggesting I make the following changes to our insect treatment thresholds to make things a little easier. I added the last one myself. Continue reading
Have you forgotten what a beet armyworm looks like?
I’ve had a few calls from the Mississippi River Bottom about armyworms in soybean and even in some Bt cotton. I’ve also had a few people complaining about a lack of control with insecticides and the fact that larvae were eating pigweed and then moving into the crops. This is a pretty good sign you are dealing with beet armyworm (as opposed to fall armyworm). Continue reading