Category Archives: Insects

Insecticide Seed Treatment Choices in Cotton

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As almost everyone knows, there are concerns about the consistency of neonicotinoid seed treatments in cotton because of resistance in populations of tobacco thrips. Also, label restrictions prevent tank mixing any insecticides with dicamba on XtendFlex cotton. Thus, those planning on growing dicamba tolerant varieties and spraying Engenia or XtendiMax (dicamba) will be especially concerned with at-planting thrips treatments that reduce the chances of needing a foliar application. Continue reading

Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference

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The 2017 Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference is being held at the Dyer County Fairgrounds in Dyersburg, TN on Thursday, February 2nd.  On-site registration begins at 7:45. The programs ends after lunch following the Keynote Address by Harrison M. Pittman, Director, National Agricultural Law Center (University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture) on “Ag Law Update: Recent & Emerging Issues for the Ag Industry”.   Preliminary Agenda (updated)

Focus on Cotton Webcast – Managing Bollworms in Bt Cotton

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A new Focus on Cotton webcast titled “Changing Bt Technologies and Bollworm Management in Bt Cotton” helps cotton growers, consultants, and other industry experts monitor the potential impact of bollworm populations and determine when additional treatments may be advantageous. This 53-minute talk by David Kerns, Associate Professor at Louisiana State University Continue reading

2017 Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops

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pb1768The University of Tennessee’s 2017 Insect Control Recommendations for Cotton, Soybean, Corn, Sorghum, Wheat and Pastures (PB 1768) is now available online.  Once available, hard copies will be distributed at Cotton Focus, grain conferences, and other crop production meetings.

Some features you may have overlooked in the back of the book include:

  • Listing of insecticide classes (mode of action) and registration numbers
  • A list of common “generic” trade names for various insecticides
  • Tables ranking the relative efficacy of insecticides on common pests
  • Tips to minimize pesticide effects on pollinators

Do you have aphids in your wheat?

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EnglishG-aphids1-webIf you managed to get a good stand of wheat, make sure you scout closely for aphids. There’s a good bet we will have more aphids than usual this fall because of the warm weather. It you are managing for high yielding wheat, then protecting wheat from transmission of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYD) is important.  Below are a couple of points to consider. Continue reading

Wrapping up harvest aid applications in 2016

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We have been blessed with another great harvest season and it appears we may be able to finish harvest with little rain.  Here on the 5th day of Oct, I would guess the average cotton acre within the state has already received the first application of harvest aids and is very close to seeing a picker.  Even so, several acres have not been defoliated.  This has led many to call with concerns about the cooler temperatures in the forecast over the weekend and several have asked if it is simply time to defoliate based on calendar date.   Continue reading