Category Archives: Insects

Plant bugs increasing in cotton

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There have been no reports of stink bugs in cotton and populations in soybean remain unusually low. There have been some reports of spider mites and aphids in some cotton fields, but it is an increase in plant bugs numbers that is the most obvious change this week. Infestation levels are variable, but a higher numbers of adults and a few nymphs are present in many fields. This includes both tarnished plant bug and clouded plant bug in some areas. Below are a few reminders and suggestions for the coming 2-3 weeks. Continue reading

Moth traps and southwestern corn borers

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As always, moth trapping data for the season can be found on the quick links menu ( We are now catching a few more corn earworm (bollworm) moths, but nothing too startling. However, it is clear that the second generation moth flight for southwestern corn borer is underway, and we will catch even more moths next week. Keep in mind that there is a lot of variation among locations. It can be a waste of money to treat for southwestern corn borers based on trap catches that are not near your fields. You should be running a few Continue reading

Kudzu Bug Migration into Soybean

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I’ve been watching kudzu bug populations on kudzu, and I am now seeing late-instar immature stages and next-generation adults. This means we will start seeing adults migrating into some soybean fields. With the mild winter and early spring, this migration will be sooner than we’ve seen in the past. We might have expected it to be larger also, but populations on kudzu do not seem especially high. A fungus (Beauveria bassiana) has helped considerably at reducing populations of kudzu bug , and I’m hoping we again see the benefits this year. You will notice a fuzzy white fungus growing on dead nymphs and adults when they are filled by Beauveria. Continue reading

2017 Soybean Scout Schools in July (Final Details)

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Looper (2 pair of prolegs)

The 2017 Soybean Scout Schools have been scheduled for three locations. Scout schools are sponsored by the Tennessee Promotion Board. They typically last 2-2.5 hours and provide hands-on training on the basics of soybean growth and the scouting and management of weeds, insects, and diseases. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and complimentary sweep net while supplies last. Pesticide recertification points and CCA CEU points are offered. See below for details, and updates and reminders will be posted in future articles. Continue reading

Section 18 (Emergency Exemption) Label for Sivanto Prime in Sweet Sorghum

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The EPA has granted our request for an emergency exemption, allowing the use of Sivanto prime in sweet sorghum for the control of sugarcane aphids.  The section 18 label allows for use up to 10.5 oz/acre in a single application. However, testing in grain sorghum indicates 4-5 oz/acre provides excellent control. Application restrictions are Continue reading

Fall Armyworms Look to Make and Early Start (again)

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It seems that fall armyworms have gotten a running start in recent years. This species does not overwinter in Tennessee, but it may survive warm winters in the extreme southern areas of coastal states during mild winters. It migrates into Tennessee each year. Often, fall armyworms don’t show in substantial numbers until late July or August. However, they are being found Continue reading