Category Archives: Insects

Transform WG – Section 18 Approved for Cotton in TN

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Once again, the TDA and EPA have approved the use of Transform WG in cotton for the control of plant bugs. Hopefully, this will be the last year a section 18 request will be needed, pending a new label for this product.

Primary Restrictions:

  • Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
  • Minimum Treatment Interval: Do not make applications less than 5 days apart.
  • Do not make more than four applications per acre per year.
  • Do not make more than two consecutive applications per crop.
  • Do not apply more than a total of 8.5 oz of Transform WG (0.266 lb ai of sulfoxaflor) per acre per year.

This labeling must be in the possession of the user at the time of application … Section 18 Label Transform WG – Cotton

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Emergency Exemption (Section 18) Granted for Sivanto in Sweet Sorghum

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Sugarcane aphids

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture and the EPA has again approved a Section 18 that allows the use of Sivanto prime on sweet sorghum for the control of sugarcane aphids during 2019. This pest is potentially devastating for those growing sweet sorghum for molasses or other uses, and Sivanto prime is an excellent any the only available insecticide option in this crop. Specific requirement for it’s use are summarized below and detailed in the Continue reading

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Cotton and Soybean Insect Update

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Cotton: Much of our cotton is within 7-10 days of when insect controls can be terminated, and it looks like this cotton may outrun the bollworm moth flight in many areas. Most the bollworm action appears to be pretty moderate and still primarily concentrated along the Mississippi River and south of I-40. Having said that, we are some seeing bollworm larvae slip through on Bollgard 2, WideStrike, and TwinLink varieties. It’s a numbers game. Continue reading

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