Tennessee’s recommended wheat planting window (Oct 15-Nov 10) is right around the corner. The following are a few reminders that may help us achieve a decent stand going into this fall. Continue reading
Category Archives: Fertility
Nitrogen Loss in Wheat and Corn
Some wheat fields are looking less green than we hoped for but not surprising due to the continued mini-monsoons we keep winding up with. A good bit of the wheat crop is at the flag leaf stage meaning it is too late to add additional N at this point. Continue reading
Wet Weather and Supplemental N Fertilizer in Wheat
Based on the number of calls coming in, a combination of 1) applying N in early February (especially liquid N) and 2) continued wet weather has led to N deficiency symptoms showing up in some wheat fields. Variations in green color within a field can be due to application method as well as weather or soil conditions. Continue reading
Cotton Incorporated Crop Management Seminar
The Plant Management Network (http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/) website has posted recorded presentations of the 2012 Cotton Incorporated Crop Management Seminar (linked below). Continue reading
Cotton Focus Presentations
The slides shown in last week’s Cotton Focus meeting are available on UTcrops.com at the following link: Cotton Focus PowerPoint Slides. Although there is no audio, perhaps this will remind you of some of the important take home points made by our presenters.
Kentucky-Tennessee Grain Conference
The joint Kentucky-Tennessee Grain Conference will be held on February 8, 2013 at the Logan County Extension Office, 255 John Paul Avenue, Russellville, KY. The program begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:00 AM. Program
Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference
The Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference is scheduled for Thursday, February 7 at the Dyer County Fairgrounds, James Rice Road, in Dyersburg (GPS coordinates: N 36.066730, W 089.365147). Registration begins at 7:45 AM with the first presentation scheduled for 9:00 AM. Trade show and sponsor booths will be open at 8:00 AM. Draft Program Directions
Middle Tennessee Grain Conference
The Middle Tennessee Grain Conference is scheduled for Thursday, January 31 at the Coffee County Fairgrounds in Manchester. Registration begins at 7:30 AM, with the first presentation scheduled for 8:30 AM. Contact the Coffee County Extension Office (931-723-5141) for registration information. Complete Program