Category Archives: Cotton

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, cotton, and soybeans were up; wheat was down for the week.

On Friday morning, USDA released marketing year supply and demand estimates for the 2019/20 marketing year (2019 crop). The estimates released were provided at the annual USDA Outlook Conference in Arlington, VA. USDA outlook for cotton, dairy, grains and oilseeds, livestock and poultry and sugar are available online at:
USDA Outlook Conference. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

A Few More Chances to Take Dicamba Training

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CORRECTION: The Obion County Dicamba Training will be held at the Union City Farm Bureau.

There are still opportunities to take the Dicamba Training in person, although this is the last week in-person trainings will be offered in West TN. The following counties will host trainings in the upcoming week:

  • Hardeman – Feb. 22 @ 10 a.m. – Mid-South Farmers Co-op, Bolivar
  • Hardin – Feb. 27 @ 9 a.m. – UT Extension Office
  • Lauderdale – Feb. 25 @ 8:30 a.m. – TN Tech Center (Ripley), Feb. 26 @ 10 a.m. – Veterans Museum (Halls) & Feb. 28 @ 10 a.m. – Co-op (Halls)
  • Lincoln – Feb. 26 @ 1 p.m. & 7 p.m. – UT Extension Office
  • Obion – Feb. 27 @ 8 a.m. & 1 p.m. – Farm Bureau, Union City
  • Weakley – Feb. 28 @ 1 p.m. – Tennessee Tractor, Martin

For online training and a complete list of future in-person trainings, visit the UTIA Dicamba Resources page.

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Cotton, soybeans, and wheat were down; corn was flat for the week.

It was a rough start to the week for corn, soybean, and cotton prices. Wheat prices tailed off at the end of the week due to lower prices from export com-petition with Russia and France. 2019 corn harvest futures prices continue to trade in a tight 10 cent range, $3.95 to $4.05. At the end of the week, corn futures were right in the middle of the range. Expect corn futures pric-es to move sideways with trade, South American weather, and U.S. planting intentions providing the potential to push prices out of the range. 2019 harvest soybean futures have started to plateau, moving sideways the past month and a half. Trade news between China will likely jolt the market lower or higher before the end of the month. Mixed soybean production reports for Argentina (up) and Brazil (down) provide potential offsets to current estimates. On Monday and Tuesday, December cotton futures dropped nearly 2 cents and then moved sideways for the rest of the week. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

Call of the Week: Hemp in High Demand

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Friday, February 15, 2019 is the deadline to submit an application to grow hemp in Tennessee. According to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, more than 1,000 applications have already been submitted. In this week’s podcast,  Dr. Eric Walker, discusses the growing buzz around hemp, and what he wishes every new grower knew. If you have any curiosity about the nuts and bolts of hemp production, this podcast is worth a listen! Play Call of the Week.

Farmland Legacy Workshop-Feb 21 Ripley

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The University of Tennessee Extension is sponsoring a Farmland Legacy program on Thursday, February 21 at the UT Martin Ripley Center, 315 Washington St. in Ripley. The program will start promptly at 9 a.m. and conclude by 3 p.m. Lunch and workshop materials are included.

This informative program will provide farmers and landowners with tools for estate and succession planning, wealth protection, farm management, and how to use this information to plan for the future.  Many changes in estate tax law have occurred the last few years and it is important for producers and landowners to update or initiate their estate and succession plan.

Planning the future of your farm can be a difficult and emotional task. The Farmland Legacy Workshop will help in the planning process by providing valuable resources for all generations. Let the workshop help you start the dialogue with your family and plan today for the future of your farm. For additional information or to reserve your spot please call the UT Extension office at 731-221-1800.