Category Archives: Corn

Moth Trapping Data (Week Ending August 16th)

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Week Ending August 16 – Corn earworm (bollworm) moth catches remained relatively high this week.  As I said last week, we should have heightened awareness for this pest, especially in late maturing fields of soybean and susceptible cotton fields. Beet armyworm moth catches were well up Continue reading

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Large Palmer Control After Corn Harvest

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3' tall palmer after corn harvest

As the combines cut corn they are often leaving behind a very green field of Palmer amaranth (Picture right). It is not uncommon to find that areas of fields where the corn died early from drought stress have 3 to 6’ tall Palmer in them just now rolling into flowering.  These pigweed need to be destroyed as soon as possible.  Continue reading

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Crop Progress


Corn for grain harvest has begun and roughly a third of the corn crop is physiologically mature. Except for corn, all crops remain in fair-to-good condition. A few parts of the state, especially West Tennessee still need a soaking rain. Soybeans have begun to drop leaves but most of the crop is blooming and setting pods. Even though dry conditions have persevered in some areas of the state, pastures continued to green-up and rebound. Continue reading

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Crop Progress


A relatively short dry spell came to a relieving end as scattered showers hit the state at weeks’ end. Pasture conditions continued to slowly improve, and all crops except corn remain mostly in the good category. Cattle are rated exceptionally good as only 9 percent are rated in the very poor-to-poor range. Tobacco harvest is underway as two-thirds of Tennessee’s tobacco has now been topped. Continue reading

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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on July 30, 2012

HAY HARVEST A MAIN FARM ACTIVITY LAST WEEK.  Tennessee farmers last week devoted a great deal of time to harvesting warm season grasses for hay. July rainfall sparked unusually good growth, allowing warm season grasses to flourish. With the exception of corn, crops improved slightly in condition and are rated in mostly fair-to-good condition. Soybeans are blooming, and cotton is setting fruit. Pastures are greening-up and range from fair to good. Tobacco topping is in progress. The corn crop was rated mostly in very poor to poor condition with some very early harvest in the Southern section of Middle Tennessee. Continue reading

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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on July 23, 2012

WARM WEATHER AND MODERATE RAINS AID GROWTH.  High temperatures and moderate rains stimulated crop growth last week. Crops continued to develop at a faster rate than usual. All crops remained in fair-to-good condition, with the exception of corn. Pastures were rated in poor-to-fair condition, but have improved Continue reading

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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on July 16, 2012

DROUGHT NOT OVER BUT WIDESPREAD, PLENTIFUL PRECIPATATION RECEIVED!  Soaking rainfall and lower temperatures characterized the conditions which greeted farmers last week. The drought is not broken as some areas of the state experienced only light-to-moderate precipitation. Overall, state crop condition ratings improved, especially for soybeans. However, the corn condition rating, although improved, continued to point to a season with over half the acreage in a heavy or extreme loss of yield situation. Some renewed optimism now exists for soybeans, cotton and tobacco which are rated in mostly fair or good condition. Continue reading

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