Category Archives: Corn

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on September 10, 2012


Plentiful rain fell across the state last week benefitting crops and boosting soil moisture supplies. The condition of cotton, soybeans, and tobacco crops improved and were rated in mostly good condition. Corn harvest continued at a rapid pace two weeks ahead of normal. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on September 4, 2012


The remnants of Hurricane Isaac dropped significant rainfall in many areas last week which boosted soil moisture supplies. The effects of this rainfall are likely to improve soil moisture ratings as well as cotton, soybean and pasture conditions in these areas. At week’s end it was too early to fully measure the impact. Crops remained in mostly fair-to-good condition. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 27, 2012

SOYBEANS AND COTTON COULD USE A RAIN.  The weather is turning seasonally dry as some concerns are being expressed in major cotton and soybean areas about proper development. However, at week’s end, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 57 percent adequate or surplus, a level much better than the 29 percent five year average and last year’s 44 percent. A good general rain throughout the state is needed to maintain or improve the cotton and soybean crops from their current standing of fair-to-good condition. The corn for grain harvest picked-up momentum and was proceeding at a pace just shy of two weeks ahead of normal. Pastures look good, but armyworms are reported to be a problem. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 20, 2012


 Farmers continued harvesting hay and topping tobacco last week between showers and stepped-up their efforts at corn harvest. Activities in the tobacco fields were delayed slightly by rainfall. The crops, except corn, continued to be rated in fair to good condition. The cotton crop is opening and early planted soybeans are beginning to shed leaves. The corn crop is maturing rapidly. Pastures look good for this time of the year but with some reports of weeds. Continue reading

What Kind of Eggs are These?

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Another bug identification quiz for you. These are the eggs of a predator which is sometimes mistaken for a pest. This species lays its eggs in a cluster.  A crown of spines around the top of each egg is a good hint. Both the nymphs and adults will attack may different kinds of prey, but they are commonly seen feeding on caterpillars.  They are often found in soybean and cotton.  The scientific name for this species is Podisus maculiventris (Order Hemiptera; Family Pentatomidae).  Still don’t know? Continue reading

Moth Trapping Data (Week Ending August 16th)

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Week Ending August 16 – Corn earworm (bollworm) moth catches remained relatively high this week.  As I said last week, we should have heightened awareness for this pest, especially in late maturing fields of soybean and susceptible cotton fields. Beet armyworm moth catches were well up Continue reading

Large Palmer Control After Corn Harvest

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3' tall palmer after corn harvest

As the combines cut corn they are often leaving behind a very green field of Palmer amaranth (Picture right). It is not uncommon to find that areas of fields where the corn died early from drought stress have 3 to 6’ tall Palmer in them just now rolling into flowering.  These pigweed need to be destroyed as soon as possible.  Continue reading