Category Archives: Corn

Cover Crop Burndown Applications

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Paraquat (48 fl oz/A) + NIS (0.25%)
Paraquat (48 fl oz/A) + NIS (0.25%)

Some reports of ineffective burndown applications to winter annual cover crops (winter wheat, cereal rye, hairy vetch, crimson clover, etc.) have been coming in.  Even in our research at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center cover crops have proven difficult to control with a single pass of the sprayer.  Paraquat and glyphosate are the typical go-to herbicides for this type of burndown application, but neither has proven consistently effective this spring. Continue reading

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Yes, We can Still Plant Corn

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With frustration levels running pretty high, some producers have quit planting corn and are looking at other options after this week.  Others are watching corn prices and have the intention of continuing on at least through next week.  This year has been tough going for all and continued wet weather and cool temps have delayed other crops, but I still think we have time to plant corn on our better ground.  Continue reading

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Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on April 22, 2013


Corn producers made the most of the four days of planting weather last week but still lag behind where they would like to be. Planting is about a week behind the five-year average pace. Cotton and soybean plantings have yet to begin, but that is not unusual for this time of year. The wheat acreage has been top-dressed and was reported in good-to-excellent condition with the crop just starting to head. Continue reading

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