With corn tasseling in Tennessee, it is time to consider a fungicide application. Continue reading
Category Archives: Corn
Spraying Corn with Insecticide
As much of our corn begins to tassel, some questions have predictably been asked about putting insecticide out with foliar fungicide applications. This is NOT a generally recommended practice. Myself and my counterparts have tested this thoroughly in the Mid South, and these data indicate a negative return on investment in most cases. Below are some points (and exceptions) for your consideration. Continue reading
Crop Progress
As reported by NASS on June 23, 2014
Producers took full advantage of the break in wet weather and made great progress with wheat harvest and soybean planting. Wheat harvest now falls more in line with both last year and the 5-year average, and still indicates strong yields. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 22 14 .
Confusing marestail with burnweed?
With calls coming in about weed identification, one weed has been particularly popular this year. Burnweed is an erect summer annual plant that can be found throughout the Midwestern and Eastern parts of the United States. Many folks mistake burnweed for horseweed and indeed from the road it does look like horseweed. Continue reading
Time to Turn the Water on in Corn
If you haven’t watered corn yet this week, you may want to think about doing so. We have been blessed with an abundance of rain that has helped support corn development, and little irrigation has been needed. High temps mean water demand is higher too, and it is critical to not get behind on watering corn. Earliest planted corn is close to tasseling or tasseling which is peak demand time. Suggested irrigation amounts are listed below for corn for those using the ‘checkbook’ method of applying water. Continue reading
Japanese Beetles and Kudzu Bugs, Oh My!
These two invasive species look like they will be present in most areas of the state from this point forward. The news is not all bad because, in field crops, they pose either a minor or manageable risk. However, both pests require timely scouting and decision making. Continue reading
Weed Tour – Wednesday June 25
Dear Colleagues
The University of Tennessee Weed Tour will be held next Wednesday, June 25 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson, TN (605 Airways Blvd). Registration will start at 8:30 A.M. and the tour will begin at 9:00 A.M.. Continue reading
Crop Progress
As reported by NASS on June 16, 2014
Heavy, consistent rainfall continued to be a detriment to producers, especially those who are trying to finish planting soybeans, harvest wheat, or get hay baled. There were only 2 days suitable for field work last week. Some fields have been drowned out, there is the threat of weeds posing a serious problem, and some side-dress nitrogen is being applied by plane. One of the bright spots in this is that wheat that did get harvested indicated strong yields. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 15 14 .