All posts by Ryan Blair, County Variety Trial Coordinator

2023 County Standardized Trials-Soybean Data

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This year’s soybean CST class consist of 61 varieties covering late 3’s to early 5’s maturity groups.  These trials are split by both maturity groups and herbicide tolerance, Late III, Early IV, Late IV, and Early V, and by Xtend and Enlist.  These trials were planted on-farm across the state in 63 county demonstration plots.

If you have questions about UT’s variety testing program, please contact your local county agent.

Thanks to all who contribute to these trials and your support to the program.

Click on the table below to enlarge data in pdf form.

Late III Xtend

Early IV Xtend

Late IV Xtend

Early V Xtend


2023 County Standardized Trials-Corn

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39 Corn Hybrids were evaluated in the 2023 CST program.  With the weather we had this summer, our yields are very strong with an overall average across all hybrids and locations over 210 bu/ac. With the many locations/replications in these trials, we can look at performance across many soil types and weather/climate conditions that you can use to help select high yielding, consistent hybrids to bring to your farm.  Contact your local county agent for more details or if you need a print out of this data.

These CST plots are large strip trials located ‘on-farm’ with a minimum of 300 feet in length.  Inputs and management decisions are on a by location basis and determined by the cooperating producers.  Three relative maturity groups divide the trials, Early Corn will be 113 day and earlier, Medium Corn will be 114-116 day, and Full Corn is 117 day plus.  Thank you to everyone involved in the CST program for your support and contributions: County Agents, UT Extension/Research, Growers, Industry, Retail.

Below are the results for our 3 RM groups.  Click on the table to open a PDF of these tables.  These results can also be accessed on

Early Corn <114 day

Medium Corn 114-116 day

Full Corn >116 day

2023 Wheat Official Variety Trial Results

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The results of the 2023 Official Variety Trials; Wheat are in.  This information will be available on our variety testing site soon and can also be accessed through your local County Extension Office.

Click on the tables below to open as a PDF.  You may then zoom in to better see the results.

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2023 County Standardized Trials-Wheat Data

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In fall of ’22, we planted 21 wheat varieties from 7 companies in 8 county trials, and the yield results in.  Very good yields again this year, especially with early concerns from some delayed planting last fall combined with a wet spring and late freeze that hit much of TN.  The varieties we are planting in TN are much better than what we had just a decade ago!  These varieties have been selected to be more suitable to our wetter climate and our yields seem to be more stable and predictable based on management and inputs.

With our 21 varieties at 8 locations, we had an overall average of over 92 bu/ac, with location averages ranging from 136 to 61 bu/ac.

All CST’s are: on-farm, large strip trials and are managed and maintained by each county’s cooperating  producer/s.  Thank you to all the County Agents and growers who contributed to this data.

Click on the table below to zoom.

Top Bean-TN Soybean Yield Contest Winners

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UT Extension and the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Council collaborated with producers across the state during 2022 to host the Top Bean state soybean yield contest.

Congratulations to all of our winners!!

The purpose of the Tennessee Soybean Yield Contest it to recognize those producers who grow high-yielding soybeans, and to gather data on the production practices utilized by these outstanding producers in order to promote the use of sound cultural practices to increase soybean profitability.

If interested in entering in 2023, contact your local County Extension Agent for details.  The deadline to notify of intent to participate is September 1st.