All posts by Ryan Blair, County Variety Trial Coordinator

Can we predict Corn N response using Mineralizable N?


Most of the soil nitrogen (N) is present in organic form, especially in the top 6 inches (75 – 95%), which is not readily available for plant uptake. Only about 0.1 – 0.3% is in inorganic or bioavailable forms such as nitrate and ammonium that plants can utilize. So, organic soil N is converted to inorganic forms for plants use, a process referred to as mineralization. The fraction of organic soil N that can be converted to inorganic form is referred to as potentially mineralizable N. Several factors including soil, previous crop, weather, and nitrogen management determine the extent of N mineralized. Nitrogen rate trials (>30) conducted over the past five years in West and Central TN suggested that mineralized soil N can contribute more than 20% of the total crop N requirements. Current N fertilizer recommendation for corn in Tennessee is based on realistic yield goals, which does not account for potentially mineralizable N that is available for the plant. Continue reading

Does Soil Test Phosphorus and Potassium Values from Haney Soil Health Test (H3A-4) Translate to Mehlich-3?

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More recently, with emphasis on sustainable crop production, there are a number of tests that assess soil health. Some of the soil health tests such as the Haney Soil Health Tool (HSHT), which is adopted by USDA-NRCS, assess soil quality parameters as well as nutrient availability. The HSHT uses the H3A-4 extractant to estimate ‘plant available’ nutrients. The H3A-4 extractant simulates plant root environment by using organic acid plant exudates and has been touted as more representative of phosphorus availability. Some commercial soil testing laboratories offer HSHT and provide corresponding fertilizer recommendations. How does the test values and recommendations from H3A-4 relate to Mehlich-3 extraction? Publicly available information relating H3A-4 to Mehlich-3 extractable nutrients is limited. Continue reading

2024 County Standardized Trials-Corn/Soybean tables

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The CST program consist of large, on-farm strip trials across the state to evaluate yield performance and adaptability of new and commonly used varieties/hybrids.   We have a lot of good offerings to choose from when selecting varieties and hybrids to plant each spring. We hope that this data will give you a non-bias look into performance and aid in selecting your seed for the following crop with confidence.

We really appreciate all those who contributed to this data (County Agents, TN Farmers, Industry Seed Partners)

For more information on CST data or to book a trial on your farm next year, please contact your local County Extension Office.






2024 County Standardized Trials-Wheat data

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This year’s County Standardized Trials, Wheat Program tested 23 varieties of Soft Red Winter Wheat in 10 locations.  Seven of those locations where used to compile our variety recommendations for the 2024 fall planting.  Over all, yields across varieties and locations averaged just over 76 bu/ac, with an average of 10.4% moisture and 55.1 lb testweight.

Thank you to all the producer who put these trials out and the County Agents who organized and oversee these variety plots.  Also, a special thanks to our cooperating companies who supply seed and genetics to test in our environment.  Wheat yields have increased dramatically over the years, better genetics and breeding programs along with state and local testing are proving to add weight to the combine and increase profits for wheat growers in TN.

If you are interested in having a County Standardized Trial (Corn, Soy, Cotton, Wheat) on your farm, contact your local County Extension office for more details.

This Fall, contact your seed suppliers and request  wheat seed from the list above with confidence from our unbias variety testing program.

2023 Top Bean Contest Winners

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Thanks to all the agents and producers who entered the 2023 TN Top Soybean Yield Contest sponsored by Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board.   There were over 50 producers across TN who participated in the 2023 contest.  See the winners below!

For more information, please contact your local County Extension office.  Notice of Intent for the 2024 Yield Contest are due in early September.

Complete contest rules and forms are available at your County Extension Office