Much of our corn took a long while to emerge, and there has been opportunity for cutworms to infest fields since planting. Hence, make sure to scout for cutworm injury while checking stands. UT recommends treating for cutworms in corn when 5% or more of plants are injured or when you find 2 or more larvae per 100 plants. Synthetic pyrethroids are generally used to control infestations. Recommended insecticides and rates are listed here.
Remember, that cutworms will be hiding under the ground by recently damaged plants or neighboring plants during the day. Also remember that some Bt corn technologies such as Agrisure Viptera, Herculex, Smartstax, Trecepta, Optimum AcreMax, Optimum Intrasect, and Optimum Leptra will help to suppress cutworms. However, scouting is still needed, particularly if an insecticide was not applied near planting.