By request, I am providing a list of active ingredients and trade names (see below). This does not include all examples. Feel free to make comments about other “generic” trade names you may be using. Please keep in mind that formulations may vary considerably, and thus, rates may need to be adjusted accordingly. Also, not all products be labeled for the same crops. It is your responsibility to follow instructions on the insecticide label. The information below is also available in UT’s insect control recommendations for field crops.
Active Ingredients (Common Brand Names) | Additional Brands with Same or Similar Active Ingredient* |
abamectin (Agri-Mek, Zoro) | Abba, Epi-Mek, Temprano, Reaper |
acephate (Orthene 90, Orthene 97) | Acephate 90, Acephate 97 |
bifenthrin (Brigade, Discipline, Fanfare) | Bifenthrin, Bifenture, Capture LFR, Sniper, Tundra |
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban, Nufos) | Chlorpyrifos, Govern, Lorsban Advanced, Warhawk, Yuma |
cypermethrin (Ammo) | Cypermethrin, Up-Cyde |
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) | Adjourn, S-FenvalorStar |
imidacloprid (Admire Pro, Couraze Max) | Alias, Imida, Imidacloprid, Nuprid, Pasada, Provado, Wrangler |
methyl parathion (Methyl 4E) | Methyl Parathion 4E, Penncap-M 2E |
permethrin (Pounce 3.2E) | Ambush 2E, Permethrin 3.2, Perm-Up |
β-cyfluthrin (Baythroid XL) | Tombstone (= cyfluthrin) |
γ-cyhalothrin (Declare) | Prolex, Proaxis |
λ-cyhalothrin (Karate, Warrior II) | Lambda, Lambda-Cy, LambdaStar, Silencer, Grizzly |
Z-cypermethrin (Mustang Max) | Respect |
Scott- a few other trade names from Sanders Inc. proprietary insecticides
Acephate- Livid 90 WDG/Livid 97 Prill
Bifenthrin- Reveal
Chlorpyrifos- Vesper
imidacloprid- Provoke
λ-cyhalothrin- Ravage