Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Management in Roundup Ready Cotton

The toughest call of the week is from folks who have found glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth present in their newly emerged cotton fields.    The reason the Palmer is now emerged in these fields varies with some who did not use a Pre emerge herbicide with the thought going in that their Palmer amaranth was still susceptible to glyphosate.  Others used maybe a Cotoran or Caparol Pre and it has broken.  Last week they sprayed 1” tall Palmer in 2 leaf cotton with glyphosate and as of today it had not controlled a considerable infestation of Palmer amaranth.  A number of these folks have planted a Roundup Ready cotton and have asked for options.  Several have asked about over spraying with MSMA or MSMA tankmixed with Cotoran.  In what little work I have done on oversprays of MSMA or MSMA tankmixes I have not seen good results. Dr. Hayes has looked at it a good deal in the past and he says at best it provides very poor pigweed control. Some have tried using Staple on the escaped Palmer and mostly just yellowed it.  From my experience Staple at best will only provide about 20% control.  The problem is there is only one option left and that is organizing a hoeing crew.  On tilled ground you could use a cultivator and then employ the chopping crew behind which, if the Palmer is just spotty, might be manageable.  Unfortunately, there are no real good options when the cotton is this small.  When the cotton gets some height a hooded application of paraquat (Gramoxone Inteon) plus Valor or an application of Direx plus MSMA can clean out the row middles.

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2 thoughts on “Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Management in Roundup Ready Cotton

  1. How about using Ignite on WideStrike cotton varieties to control those pesky pigweeds?

    1. Please check the posting today on this topic

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