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Comments on the USDA Supply & Demand Report

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In today’s report, old crop corn ending stocks were raised 118 million bushels from last month at 1.021 billion bushels as imports increased 3 million bushels with food and seed use reduced 15 million bushels, corn for ethanol cut 50 million bushels and exports reduced 50 million bushels. This total usage reduction of 115 million bushels is no doubt the result of price rationing as prices have continued to move higher. Continue reading

Crop Progress


A relatively short dry spell came to a relieving end as scattered showers hit the state at weeks’ end. Pasture conditions continued to slowly improve, and all crops except corn remain mostly in the good category. Cattle are rated exceptionally good as only 9 percent are rated in the very poor-to-poor range. Tobacco harvest is underway as two-thirds of Tennessee’s tobacco has now been topped. Continue reading

Control Volunteer Wheat Before It Is Too Late

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We’ve had an early drought and more recent rains that has resulted in the emergence of volunteer wheat in some double-cropped soybean fields.  This happened widely in 2007, and these conditions resulted in a huge fall generation of Hessian flies and an even larger spring generation that devastated Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, soybean, and cotton prices are up while wheat prices are down for the week. The September U.S. Dollar Index before the close was 82.46 down 0.31 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was 13,113, up 37 points since last Friday. Crude Oil before the close was 91.40 a barrel, up 1.27 a barrel for the week. Today’s markets are Continue reading