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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 20, 2012


 Farmers continued harvesting hay and topping tobacco last week between showers and stepped-up their efforts at corn harvest. Activities in the tobacco fields were delayed slightly by rainfall. The crops, except corn, continued to be rated in fair to good condition. The cotton crop is opening and early planted soybeans are beginning to shed leaves. The corn crop is maturing rapidly. Pastures look good for this time of the year but with some reports of weeds. Continue reading

What Kind of Eggs are These?

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Another bug identification quiz for you. These are the eggs of a predator which is sometimes mistaken for a pest. This species lays its eggs in a cluster.  A crown of spines around the top of each egg is a good hint. Both the nymphs and adults will attack may different kinds of prey, but they are commonly seen feeding on caterpillars.  They are often found in soybean and cotton.  The scientific name for this species is Podisus maculiventris (Order Hemiptera; Family Pentatomidae).  Still don’t know? Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Cotton and soybean prices are up; corn and wheat prices are down for the week. The September U.S. Dollar Index before the close was 82.69 up 0.06 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was 13,265, up 58 points since last Friday. Crude Oil before the close was 96.10 a barrel, up 2.78 a barrel for the week. Farm Service Agency certified acres were released this week and by my preliminary review compared to the USDA June 30 report were 1.4 million acres higher for corn; 821,000 acres less for cotton; 1 million acres less for soybeans; and 3.7 million acres less for wheat. Continue reading

Moth Trapping Data (Week Ending August 16th)

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Week Ending August 16 – Corn earworm (bollworm) moth catches remained relatively high this week.  As I said last week, we should have heightened awareness for this pest, especially in late maturing fields of soybean and susceptible cotton fields. Beet armyworm moth catches were well up Continue reading