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Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Cotton and soybean prices are up while corn and wheat prices are down for the week. The Dow Jones closes out the week at an all-time high. The jobs report released today was favorable with unemployment dropping from 7.9% to 7.7%. USDA released their monthly supply & demand report with mixed market reaction. Continue reading

Assistance for Custom Rate Survey Needed

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To:    Producers and Agribusinesses in Tennessee

The University of Tennessee Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics is in the process of updating the publication Farm Machinery Custom Rates by Crop Reporting Districts. It was published in 1997 so it is quite out of date. We get numerous request for custom rates throughout the year so it is a very useful publication.  We need your help in obtaining a list of custom operators, farmers, and agribusiness firms.  Continue reading

Crop Insurance Prices Set

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The USDA – Risk management Agency (RMA) announced on March 1, 2013 the 2013 crop year projected prices for corn, cotton, grain sorghum, and soybeans.  The projected or base price for the Yield Protection (YP), Revenue Protection (RP), and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion (RPHPE) were $5.65 per bushel for corn, 83 cents/lb. cotton, $5.53 grain sorghum, and $12.87 soybeans. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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U.S. Dollar



Crude Oil






Corn and cotton prices are up; wheat prices mixed while soybean prices are down for the week. Without an agreement on the budget in Washington D.C., sequestration goes into effect today, March 1, with no immediate impact expected. The effects on commodity prices might be felt in the strength or weakness of the U.S. Dollar. Some analysts expect to see a stronger dollar from sequestration which generally is seen as negative on commodity prices. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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U.S. Dollar



Crude Oil






Soybeans prices are up; cotton prices mixed while corn and wheat prices are down for the week. USDA held their annual Ag Outlook Forum on February 21 & 22 and offered an overall bearish outlook for 2013 crops, especially corn and soybeans. We should keep in mind that these numbers are more statistically driven and are more or less best guesses for this point in time. Continue reading