Category Archives: Weeds

2022 UT Soybean Scout Schools

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UT’s Soybean Scout Schools will be held in July (see details below). These field-side programs cover the basics of soybean growth, scouting, pest identification, and general management. Pesticide recertification and CCA CEU points will be available. Scout Schools are offered free of charge with sponsorship from the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board. Registration is not required. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and a sweep net while supplies last.

West TN – Madison County, July 11th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be at the West TN Research and Education Center, 605 Airways Blvd. Jackson TN, 38301. Signs will be up at the station to direct you to the field.

West TN – Henry County, July 12th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be at Norwood Farms, 645 Norwood Rd, Mansfield, TN.

Middle TN –  Lincoln County, July 13th, 9:30 AM – Noon. This school will be at H&R Agri-Power, 11 Highland Rim Road, Fayetteville, TN 37334.  Lunch will be provided courtesy of H&R Agri-Power. A head count is required for the meal,  please contact Bruce Steelman of the UT Lincoln County Extension Office at (office) 931-433-1582 or (cell) 615-542-1364 if you plan to attend.

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Weed Control During Drought Stress

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Picture 1. Palmer amaranth and volunteer XtendFlex soybean in XtendFlex cotton

The forecast, unfortunately, would suggest we are in store for another hot and dry week.  That persistent weather pattern makes the challenging aspect of weed control more difficult which leads to questions. One common one is how long a residual herbicide will persist on the soil surface before a rain activates it?  Another common question during long stress periods is the poor weed control from a POST application due to resistance or dry weather. Continue reading

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Management of Volunteer Xtendflex Soybeans in Xtendflex Cotton

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What are some options to control volunteer XtendFlex soybeans in XtendFlex cotton fields?  This issue is something that we need to do research on as there is no data. As such in answering the question one has to rely exclusively on experience. Unfortunately, all the experience that I and my Midsouth colleagues have does not hint at a real good option to remove these volunteers. Continue reading

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Post-Direct and Hooded Application Options for Cotton

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Picture 1. Goosegrass escaping dicamba + glyphosate at burndown followed by dicamba + glyphosate early POST

Some of the earlier planted cotton fields will soon be entering the true “laying it by” application timing.  Given that some are clearly not successful spraying Palmer amaranth, goosegrass or junglerice with glyphosate + dicamba (Picture 1 and 2), going back to an “old school” layby is a good plan. Continue reading

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2022 UT Soybean Scout Schools

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UT’s Soybean Scout Schools will be held in July (see details below). These field-side programs cover the basics of soybean growth, scouting, pest identification, and general management. Pesticide recertification and CCA CEU points will be available. Scout Schools are offered free of charge with sponsorship from the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board. Registration is not required. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and a sweep net while supplies last.

West TN – Madison County, July 11th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be at the West TN Research and Education Center, 605 Airways Blvd. Jackson TN, 38301. Signs will be up at the station to direct you to the field.

West TN – Henry County, July 12th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be at Norwood Farms, 645 Norwood Rd, Mansfield, TN.

Middle TN –  Lincoln County, July 13th, 9:30 AM – Noon. This school will be at H&R Agri-Power, 11 Highland Rim Road, Fayetteville, TN 37334.  Lunch will be provided courtesy of H&R Agri-Power. A head count is required for the meal,  please contact Bruce Steelman of the UT Lincoln County Extension Office at (office) 931-433-1582 or (cell) 615-542-1364 if you plan to attend.


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Junglerice and Barnyardgrass Management in Soybean and Cotton

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There have been several reports last week of multiple glyphosate and/or clethodim applications not controlling barnyardgrass or junglerice.  We really do not know the precise reasons for the lack of control in any given field but based on previous research and past experience there are a couple likely causes. Continue reading

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Managing Palmer Amaranth

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(Picture 1) Pre applied herbicide breaking earlier than in 2021

Judging by our research plots as well as walking some cotton and soybean fields most Pre applied herbicides are playing out about 7 to 10 days quicker than last spring (Picture 1).  The frequent rain would most likely be the reason for this. Continue reading

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UT Weed Tour (June 15, 2022)

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JACKSON, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture will host the annual Weed Tour next Wednesday, June 15 at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center. The guided tour will feature 60 weed management research tests in corn, soybean and cotton as well as a demonstration of herbicide symptomology. Continue reading

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