Category Archives: Weeds

Cover Crop Burndown Applications

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Paraquat (48 fl oz/A) + NIS (0.25%)
Paraquat (48 fl oz/A) + NIS (0.25%)

Some reports of ineffective burndown applications to winter annual cover crops (winter wheat, cereal rye, hairy vetch, crimson clover, etc.) have been coming in.  Even in our research at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center cover crops have proven difficult to control with a single pass of the sprayer.  Paraquat and glyphosate are the typical go-to herbicides for this type of burndown application, but neither has proven consistently effective this spring. Continue reading

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Palmer Amaranth Burndown Strategies

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Palmer amaranth started emerging last week.  Some of it is ½ to a 1” tall today April 22. Of course this is just the vanguard of the Palmer that will be coming.  Despite this early Palmer flush typically being less numbers per foot than later emergence events, it is the most important emergence event to control. Continue reading

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Recrop Intervals After Wheat Herbicides

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The 4 to 5” of rain much of West Tennessee saw last Thursday 4/11/13 was not good on the wheat, particularly in poorly drained fields. Winter wheat that went under water may have to be planted back to another crop. Knowing when and what herbicides were applied to flood damaged wheat is a major consideration on a potential recrop decision. Continue reading

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