Category Archives: Weeds

Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Becoming a Bigger Issue in Middle TN

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We are getting questions from folks in Middle Tennessee now on how to control severe infestations of Palmer amaranth 6 to 8” tall in Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans. This is a big milestone because Palmer amaranth could not be found as recently as 2008 and 2009 in several surveys we ran in Middle TN.  Continue reading

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Two Pass Weed Control Programs in Corn are Providing Much Better Weed Control

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Many folks the past two weeks have found that they need to apply a  “layby” herbicide application to their corn.  I have gotten a number of calls from some of these folks who were dismayed that their pre applied herbicide had given out some time ago. In many cases they are reporting that they now have 18 to 24” Palmer amaranth up in their big corn.  Continue reading

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Palmer Amaranth Management Critical Over the Next 3 Weeks

I know this has been a frustrating planting season to say the least.  Replanting has been more the rule than the exception this spring.  There have been reports of fields that were first planted to corn then replanted to cotton and now will likely be replanted to soybean. With all the troubles planting and replanting this spring please do not forget to manage Palmer amaranth or you may have to replant yet again just to control the pigweed.  These June weather conditions are shaping up to be a perfect Palmer amaranth storm!  Continue reading

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Managing Corn, Cotton and Soybean Replant

We had quite a bit of cotton planted, some late corn planted and a start to soybean planting the week of May 13th that was abruptly cut short by 3 plus inches of rain and yet another cold spell on May 20.   This caused quite a bit of replanting in all three crops this week particularly in cotton and soybean. The question arises about the best way to remove the partial sickly stand before the new planting emerges. Continue reading

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Fierce and Zidua Management Tips in Soybeans

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Palmer amaranth has come late to the party compared to last year but is making up for it by taking off in a lot of fields. If you remember, last year it started emerging in early March.  This was a big advantage as we had a lot of time to control multiple Palmer flushes prior to planting.  This allowed growers to really whittle down the numbers of Palmer before we even thought about planting the crop.  That will not be the case this year. Continue reading

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