Category Archives: Weeds

Destroying a Poor Corn Stand to be Planted Back to Soybean or Cotton

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Clearly the most frequent call the last few days of April and the first half of May has concerned corn replant.  All through early May the calls have been on how to destroy a partial stand of corn and replant back to corn.  In just the last few days the question has been on how to remove a poor stand of corn and then plant back to soybeans or cotton. Continue reading

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Scout Cotton and Soybean Fields Planted Last Week for Palmer Amaranth

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I have gotten numerous reports of Palmer amaranth becoming established in fields where PRE applied herbicides were not activated by timely rainfall. Indeed I have seen some in my research as well. There were many acres of cotton and soybean planted May 7 to May 14. The rain that was in the forecast for last week was a no-show.  The result is many of the PRE applied herbicides sprayed on all those cotton and soybean acres was not activated.  This has led to a large flush of Palmer amaranth to emerge with the cotton and soybean in a good number of fields in Tennessee. Continue reading

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Applicators Must Have a Copy of 24c Label for Engenia or XtendiMax

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It is my understanding that applicators when they apply Engenia or XtendiMax must have on hand a copy of the 24c label for those herbicides.  A hard copy is preferred. Baring that a downloaded copy on to your Ipad, tablet or phone would be better than nothing.  Trying to down load a copy on to your phone as the TDA inspector pulls into your field is not recommended. The links so you can down load, print a copy and read before you go spray is:


XtendiMaxTN xtendimax 24c label Continue reading

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Easing off the clutch: 2018 cotton planting

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I’ve visited with several over the past few days who either started planting yesterday (4/30), who plan to begin today (5/1), or who will be planting by tomorrow (5/2).  While we have a few very early planting-date trials established here in Jackson, none of our large-plot trials have been planted and none of our small-plot work requiring normal planting dates have been planted either.  That will change for my program today (5/1). Continue reading

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