Category Archives: Soybean

Soybean and Cotton – Round 2 of Corn Earworm/Bollworm (etc.)

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Soybean:  As I feared, corn earworms are making their presence felt again in soybean.  Again, the heavy action is mostly concentrated in the Mississippi River bottoms.  Following last week’s high moth catches up and down the River, there have been numerous reports of many moths in fields.  Again, use a treatment threshold of 9 larvae per 25 sweeps (36/100 sweeps).  Good control has been reported from the Continue reading

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Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on August 15, 2011

Variable Crop Conditions Within Counties.  Last week brought only scattered showers in most counties leaving a scenario, at week’s end, where all regions could use a general rainfall. Despite this generally dry pattern, crops overall remain rated in good-to-excellent condition. Most counties have crops in all condition categories from very poor to excellent. Continue reading

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Moth Trapping Data (Week Ending August 11th)

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Week Ending August 11 – Although this is the last week we will run moth traps this year, bollworm (a.k.a corn earworm) moth catches continued to increase this past week, and this matches the increased action observed in soybean and cotton. Complete moth trapping results for bollworm (corn earworm), tobacco budworm, beet armyworm and southwestern corn borer are linked below. Continue reading

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Crop Watch

This week brought extreme heat and hit or miss showers to most Tennessee counties. Rain was generally welcome where received, but more will be needed to keep crops in good-to-excellent condition. Pastures are stressed, but generally are in good shape for this time of year. Besides the harvest activities, growers were active spraying pesticides, scouting, and irrigating. Continue reading

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Caterpillars in Soybean Causing More Heartburn

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Corn earworm larvae in sweep net

Many calls continue to come in about various caterpillar species occurring in soybean in large numbers. These include corn earworm, yellowstriped armyworms and green cloverworms.  This problem has mostly, but not exclusively, been in the counties bordering the Mississippi River.  The problems have also tended to be worst in late planted fields.  However, the bollworm flight has expanded and more Continue reading

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