Corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat were up for the week. As we move through February and March, producers and landowners will be faced with several important decisions. First, landowners have a onetime decision whether to reallocate base acres and update program yields on their FSA farms by February 27, 2015. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.
Category Archives: Marketing
Tennessee Market Highlights
Corn, soybeans, and wheat were down; cotton was up for the week. January saw corn, soybean, wheat, and cotton prices move lower. In January, March corn futures peaked January 6th at $4.09 and closed the month at $3.70 (down 39 cents); March soybean futures peaked January 8th at $10.62 and closed the month at $9.61 (down $1.01); March wheat futures peaked Janu-ary 6th at $6.03 and closed the month at $5.02 (down $1.01); and March cotton futures peaked January 6th at 61.25 and closed the month at 59.36 (down 1.89 cents). Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.
Cotton analysts, hedging experts hold free seminar in Memphis Feb. 10
Rarely do this many cotton analysts gather in the same place at the same time and offer cotton producers unique and timely insight on marketing strategies and market outlooks — and at no cost. Continue reading at Delta Farm Press.
Comments on January 12th USDA report
U.S. feed grain supplies for 2014/15 are projected lower with a reduction in corn production more than offsetting an increase in sorghum. Harvested area for corn is increased slightly, but the national average yield is estimated 2.4 bushel per acre lower at 171.0 bushels per acre. Corn production is estimated 191 million bushels lower. Yield and production, however, both remain records. Continue reading at Comments on January 12 USDA report including Profitability Update.
Tennessee Market Highlights
Corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat were down from last week. On Monday,
the USDA released several reports including the January WASDE report.
Highlights of these reports by commodity were: Corn: Domestic yield was reduced 2.4 bpa to 171 bpa resulting in a decrease in estimated production of 191 million bushels. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.
Tennessee Market Highlights
Corn, soybeans, and cotton were up; wheat was down from last week. In
early 2015, row-crop producers and landowners will be required to make
several interrelated decisions under the 2014 Farm Bill. These decisions will
be in place for the next five years, so it is important for producers and landowners
to weigh their options carefully. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.
Tennessee Market Highlights
Corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat were down from December 19th. Since reaching a 5-month contract high on December 29th of $4.17/bu, March corn has dropped 22 cents closing on Friday at $3.95/bu. March soybeans achieved a 1-month high on December 29th of $10.68, before dropping 61 cents in three trading days to close this Friday at $10.07/bu. Continued vola-tility in grain and oilseed future markets are likely to persist as we move further in to 2015. Currently, a good argument can be made for further price declines or a rally in early 2015. Those bullish in grain and oilseed markets will point to the demand side where exports, domestic soybean demand, and corn ethanol use have exceeded USDA expectations to date. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.
2014 TN Cotton Variety Trial Results
The 2014 TN Cotton Variety Trial Results Publication (PB1742) is now available online. This document contains detailed results from all harvested trails in the 2014 University of Tennessee Cotton Variety Testing program. This expanded publication follows the recently published summary publication, 2015 TN Cotton Variety Guide (W285), which was released a few weeks ago.
The tech-trait diversity in the top performers highlights the excellent yield potential, stability and fiber quality currently available in commercial cultivars irregardless of tech platform. Given many of these currently-available varieties have been moved forward into new tech-trait platforms, it appears producers will be deciding between several very viable options for many years to come. Continue reading