Category Archives: Insects

Changes in USDA NRCS Conservation Programs

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The following information was provided by Wade Moder (IPM Institute of North America).

For FY 2012, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has made significant changes to conservation programs to streamline procedures, reduce costs and improve consistency.  These changes will impact grower support from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), including for IPM.  The following Continue reading

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Publications Available – Insect and Weed Control Recommendations

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PB 1768, Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops for Tennessee is available online and includes IPM recommendations for cotton, corn, soybean, sorghum, wheat and pasture (LINK HERE).

PB 1580, 2012 Weed Control Manual for Tennessee is also available and includes information for field and forage crops, harvest aids, and farm ponds (LINK HERE).

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Time to Spray Aphids in Wheat?

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I published an article about aphid management in wheat last October (link to previous article).  In this article, I mentioned yield increases resulting from a foliar application of insecticides for aphids in mid to late February.  In our testing, we’ve seen an average yield increase of about a 6-7 bushels per acre by Continue reading

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Seed Treatments Options in Soybean and Cotton

Fungicide, insecticide and nematicide seed treatment options vary by company, and in some cases, you can pick the treatments you want and have them applied “downstream” by local distributors.   There are many active ingredients involved.  Thus, I tried to summarize the common seed treatment offerings by seed companies (linked below).  For both cotton and soybean, Continue reading

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Corn Seed Treatment Options for 2012

No one can blame you if you are confused about seed treatments? There are options that differ by crop and seed companies. Furthermore, pricing is not always transparent and some seed company websites are vague or do not even mention seed treatment options. There are really three pest groups that seed treatments target; namely seedling fungal diseases, insects Continue reading

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New Data Available on

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Corn Grain Hybrid Tests  – Preliminary results of the 2011 Corn Hybrid Tests are available that include experiment station and standardize county data (summarized by Fred Allen, Richard Johnson, Bob Williams and Angela McClure).  LINK HERE


Insecticide and Bt Technology Trials – The summarized results of many tests in 2011 comparing the efficacy of insecticides on common insect pests in cotton, corn and soybean. There are also summaries for trials comparing the efficacy of Bt cotton or Bt corn technologies.    LINK HERE

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