Dr. Scott Stewart is putting out a BOLO (Be On the Look-Out) for bollworms in cotton. In this podcast, he explains proper scouting techniques, treatment thresholds and effective insecticides for bollworm. Listen.
Category Archives: Insects

Managing Corn Earworm in Soybean
Despite a relatively lack luster moth flight, corn earworms (a.k.a. bollworm or soybean podworm) are showing up in some late maturing soybean fields, and as usual the action in centered in the river bottom. The treatment threshold for corn earworm is based on sweep net sampling and using the table below. Continue reading
Insect Calls of the Week (August 1, 2019)
I don’t think I have had a call about soybean all week, but my observations suggest we need to be scouting for stink bugs in our earliest beans, and in some areas, kudzu bugs. Thus far, caterpillar infestations have been very light. As the bollworm flight increases, closely scout for corn earworm in Continue reading
When Should I Quit Spraying Cotton?
For the most part the answer is not yet! It’s important to protect your cotton crop from insect feeding until NAWF5 + 350 DD60’s. This general rule applies to a complex of our common pests, but in reality, you can probably quit worrying about plant bugs at about 300 DD60s, whereas for Continue reading
Thinking About Bollworm Management in Cotton
As of this today (July 24), the bollworm moth flight has not kicked off. Traditionally, we will start seeing a significant increase next week or the first week of August. This year, I expect to see a gradual increase but an extended flight because of the wide range of corn planting dates.
Bollworm resistance to some Bt toxins (Cry1 and Cry2) in Bt cotton is now well documented Continue reading
Crunch Time for Cotton Insects
The 3-4 weeks after first bloom, and typically the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks of August, is a critical window to scout and manage insect pests. This is when we are setting the bolls that will contribute most to yield, and it’s also a time insects are most attracted to the crop (with plenty of susceptible fruiting structures to feed on). Most of the comments in this article will focus on plant bug and stink bug management. However, bollworm management will become a bigger factor by the end of the month. I’ll hit on that topic Continue reading
Reminder – Soybean Scout School This Week (7/17) in Dyersburg
UT’s Soybean Scout Schools will be held in July (see below). These field-side programs cover the basics of soybean growth, scouting, pest identification, and general management. Pesticide recertification and CCA CEU points will be available. Scout Schools are offered free of charge with sponsorship from the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board. Registration is not required. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and a sweep net while supplies last. Continue reading
Insect Calls of the Week (July 3, 2019)

Plant bugs … I’d classify the overall plant bug pressure in cotton as average, although we are seeing a few more clouded plant bugs than in recent years. Until bolls are present, count tarnished and clouded plant bugs the same. Once bolls are present, I suggest counting clouded plant bugs as equivalent to 1.5 tarnished plant bugs when making a treatment decision, primarily because clouded plant bugs are more inclined to feed on bolls. As cotton begins blooming, Continue reading