Category Archives: Farm Management

Profitability Outlook – 2013

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This table should be used as a guide as yields, prices, and expenses will vary among producers and locations. This table is a look at the start of the 2013 planning process as wheat seeding will soon be upon us. Yields are average yields for Tennessee with prices adjusted for the 2013 production year. Expenses will vary among producers and production systems. Continue reading

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Prepare for Crop Insurance Audits

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Due to the drought and reduced yields in crops, it is expected that crop insurance claims will be up this year. This will be dependent not only on crop yields, but coverage levels and types of policies that producers have purchased.  Never the less, overall yields will be down but it is yet to be determined just how much will be paid out in indemnity payments. Continue reading

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Profitability Outlook

This table should be used as a guide as yields, prices, and expenses will vary among producers and locations. This table looks at crop prices as of May 10, 2012 for 2012 and can give a glimpse of what crop profitability is in Tennessee as of this date. One of the expense items that have to be watched is fertilizer. Fertilizer cost, particularly nitrogen prices have gone up recently for producers who did not have it already priced. I have updated the table below to reflect this higher cost.   For reference, in variable expenses below, fertilizer expense per acre is estimated as follows: cotton – $ 155, Soybeans – $53, Corn – $186 (includes 150 units of N), Milo – $145, and wheat/soybeans – $138. Continue reading

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Profitability Outlook

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This table should be used as a guide as yields, prices, and expenses will vary among producers and locations. This table looks at crop prices as of mid-day on March 9, 2012 for 2012 and can give a glimpse of what crop profitability is in Tennessee as of this date. One of the expense items that have to be watched is fertilizer. For reference, in variable expenses below, fertilizer expense per acre is estimated as follows: cotton – $ 153, Soybeans – $55, Corn – $172 (includes 150 units of N), Milo – $138, and wheat/soybeans – $135. Continue reading

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