Category Archives: Farm Management

Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference

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The Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference is scheduled for Thursday, February 7 at the Dyer County Fairgrounds, James Rice Road, in Dyersburg (GPS coordinates: N 36.066730, W 089.365147). Registration begins at 7:45 AM with the first presentation scheduled for 9:00 AM.  Trade show and sponsor booths will be open at 8:00 AM.      Draft Program       Directions

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2013 UT Cotton Focus Meeting

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The annual UT Cotton Focus meeting will be held at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson on the morning of Thursday, February 14.  We expect a full schedule of speakers covering important topics related to cotton production.  Please mark your calendars!

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Crop Insurance- Wheat

If you are planning on planting wheat this fall you will want to evaluate crop insurance on your wheat crop. The deadline to take out crop insurance for wheat is fast approaching. A colleague from University of Missouri Extension- David Reinbott, Ag Business Specialist in Benton, MO put the following information together on wheat crop insurance. For the most part, it is applicable for Tennessee. Please look it over. The deadline to sign up for crop insurance for wheat is September 30.  With the potential of lower commodity prices next summer, a farmer should take a close look at the revenue based crop insurance products Revenue Protection (RP) and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion (RP-HPE).     Continue reading

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Comparing Wheat Economics for 2013

In Tennessee and much of the Mid-South, the months of September and October are generally the times producers finalize their decision on whether to plant wheat. Certainly, there are many other decisions occurring during this harvest period, but producers interested in wheat should have already developed their wheat production plan.  There are normally several factors that are examined when developing a wheat production plan. The factor I most look at is the profitability factor. Continue reading

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