Category Archives: Farm Management

STAX/Farm Bill Workshop-November 20

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You are encouraged to attend an educational meeting the National Cotton Council has scheduled to provide its members with in-depth information regarding insurance options for cotton under The Agricultural Act of 2014. The meeting will provide an in-depth look at the new Stacked Income Protection Plan (STAX) and the Supplemental Coverage Option. Coverage levels, expected yields and premium rates will be covered in detail in order to better equip producers with the information necessary to evaluate the insurance options for 2015. The meeting also will include an update on overall farm bill implementation and a question/answer session:

November 20, 9:00 a.m. 

West Tennessee Research & Education Center –                                                      Room A 

605 Airways Boulevard

Jackson, TN 

Co-Sponsored By:

AAM of Tennessee

Southern Cotton Ginners

Tennessee Farm Bureau

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5 things to help your farm financially thrive in 2015

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Most producers I have visited with have indicated that they did not sell enough of their crop at higher prices earlier in the year, especially considering the above-average yields. Current prices may make those record yields about a breakeven proposition if not much of the crop was forward contracted. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press .

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How do profits look with wheat and double-crop soybeans in 2015?

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It looks like a race to the end of harvest to determine whether increased yields can offset the drop in prices and all costs can be covered for the 2014 crop year. If concern about how 2014 will end is not enough, planning for 2015 has already started among those producers considering wheat for 2015. Considering raising a few acres of wheat may not seem like a huge decision, it does put into play how all crops will be allocated on a farm. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press

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USDA Farm Service Agency Announces Key Dates for New 2014 Farm Bill Safety Net Programs

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Farmers can Update Yield History and/or Reallocate Base Acres through Feb. 27, 2015;

Producers Select the Safety Net Program Best for Their Operation Beginning Nov. 17, 2014 through March 31, 2015

WASHINGTON, Oct. 2, 2014 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing key dates for farm owners and producers to keep in mind regarding the new 2014 Farm Bill established programs, Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC). Continue reading at Farm Bill Update Dates.
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Defoliation Timing in 2014

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20140827_17There comes a point late in the season where defoliation timing begins to lean more heavily on the forecast and historical temperature normals associated with the current date than our maturity measurements (NACBs, %open, uppermost harvestable boll maturity as determined by the sharp-knife technique, etc.).  In West Tennessee, I would argue that we are very rapidly approaching that time frame.  The 5 day forecast here on the 28th day of Sept. for West TN indicates the next few days appear to be very favorable Continue reading

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Reminder – Cotton Transition Assistance Program

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The sign up period for the Cotton Transition Assistance Program ends October 7, 2014. Producers and landowners with a FSA cotton base are eligible to sign up and receive a payment. This program is paid on the base acres and not on planted acres. The payment rate is 9 cents per pound of payment yield on 60% of the cotton base or in other words 5.4 cents on 100% of the cotton base. Due to the Budget Control Act of 2011 this will be reduced to 5.01 cents . For more information and to make an appointment to sign up contact your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office. For more information, please read  the news release

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