All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

More Enforcement of Bt Corn Refuge Requirements?

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Based on comments made to me by growers in Tennessee, the enforcement of non-Bt corn refuge requirements appeared to increase in 2010.  The update below is the better part of an article written by David Bennett of the Delta Farm Press. This may be a hint of things to come. The entire article can be found at (March 1, 2011).  Last fall, in an attempt to tighten up Bt corn refuge requirements and oversight, the EPA imposed new Continue reading

Preventing Cutworm Problems in Corn

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Cutworms are a very sporadic but potentially damaging pest in seedling corn.  The black cutworm is the most common culprit, but other species may also occur.  Cutworms tend to be more problematic in reduced-till situations.  However, they can also occur in conventionally tilled fields.  Tillage will destroy weedy hosts and directly kill cutworms, but that is only a good bet on fields that are well tilled during the spring, prior to planting. Continue reading

New Insect Threats to Tennessee Row Crops?

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A couple of new potential crop pests are knocking on Tennessee doorsteps.  In fact, one has already been found in eastern and middle Tennessee, and the other was likely present last year (also in parts of eastern Tennessee).  The brown marmorated stink bug has already been found in several counties around the Knoxville area, and there have also been confirmed reports from middle Tennessee.  The “kudzu bug”, often referred to as the globular stink bug or bean plataspid has been found in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and parts of Alabama bordering Tennessee.   Both of these critters are invading gifts from Asia.  Both also have the habit of overwintering in and around buildings (eves, etc.) and are a nuisance to home and business owners.  We will need to watch closely to see how and how far these pests will spread across Tennessee. Continue reading

Winter Kill of Crop Insect Pests

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I’ve often get questions about winter effects on insect pests.  A harsh winter can greatly affect population levels of some insects during the next cropping season.  Cold weather can have major impacts on some insect pests.  Having a more temperate environment is why Midwestern states typically do not have as many insect pests in their crops.  Classic examples are Continue reading