All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

Managing Sugarcane Beetles in Corn

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Although a sporadic pest, sugarcane beetle caused significant losses in some corn fields last year. In the worst cases, fields had to be replanted. Thus, I’ve had a number of growers ask about how to prevent this problem again. One problem is that it is very difficult to predict when and where infestations will occur. Sugarcane beetles are in the same family as June beetles. However, they are fairly easy to identify by the jet black color and fossorial (digging-type) front legs. Overwintering beetles become active during the Continue reading

Update on Aphids in Wheat

Aphid populations are starting to rise on wheat, but there have not been any reports of necessary treatments.  The primary aphid being found is bird cherry-oat aphid.  A few English grain aphids and greenbugs are also in the mix.  Bird cherry-oat aphid is generally not a serious threat to cause direct damage unless populations are very high.  Seed treatment applications and foliar applications to very small wheat are typically intended to prevent aphid transmission of barley yellow dwarf virus, and insecticide applications at this late date would not provide this benefit.  I don’t think any state in the Midsouth has a specific treatment threshold for bird cherry-oat aphids or English grain aphids.  Continue reading