All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

Caterpillars in Soybean Causing More Heartburn

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Corn earworm larvae in sweep net

Many calls continue to come in about various caterpillar species occurring in soybean in large numbers. These include corn earworm, yellowstriped armyworms and green cloverworms.  This problem has mostly, but not exclusively, been in the counties bordering the Mississippi River.  The problems have also tended to be worst in late planted fields.  However, the bollworm flight has expanded and more Continue reading

“Worms” in Soybean Causing Problems

As expected, corn earworm infestations in soybean are requiring treatment in a number of fields. Thus far most of the action has occurred in the Mississippi River bottoms, but problems appear to be spreading northward and east from Shelby, Tipton and Lauderdale Counties.  There have also been several reports of large populations of yellowstriped armyworms mixed with lower levels of fall armyworm. Continue reading

Insect Pressure on the Rise in Cotton

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Plant bug populations began to blossom this past week in some fields with average counts being reported up to 20-30 per drop cloth.  However, populations remain below the recommended treatment threshold in many fields, and this shows the value of scouting.  Stink bugs are also present in many fields, but again, populations vary considerably.  To top it off, we are

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Cotton – Crunch Time

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Plant bug, stink bugs and bollworm infestations often start peaking about the same time every year.  The last 10 days of July and the first 10 days of August is a critical window.  The reality is that these pests really tend to occur at their highest numbers beginning about 3-4 weeks after first bloom, so the crunch time will vary depending upon the maturity of your crop.  We currently are in an insect lull in many areas, but intensive scouting will be required for Continue reading

ALERT – Corn Earworm in Soybean

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Reports of high moth numbers in some areas indicate a strong likelihood that we will need to treat some soybean fields for corn earworm (a.k.a. bollworm).  The high risk areas appear to be similar to last year and include Shelby, Tipton, Lauderdale, Dyer and Fayette Counties.  However, this is a problem that could potentially occur anywhere.  UT recommends treatment between R1 and R6 anytime counts reach or exceed an average of 9 larvae per 25 sweeps.  In reality, serious infestations normally begin between R1 – R3 when plants are flowering heavily.  It is also very common for infestations to be worst in fields that have a relatively open canopy, and thus, in late planted or wide-row fields. Continue reading

Fall Armyworm in Pastures

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There have been a few reports of treatable numbers of fall armyworms in Bermudagrass pasture.  So remember to be watching closely, and keep in mind that this is a problem that will often continue into September.  UT recommends treatment when 4 or more larvae are found per square foot.  An alternative is to cut for hay if it is within a week of harvest.  The larvae will not feed on cut grass.  A number of treatments are listed for the control of fall armyworm larvae in UT’s insect control recommendations for pasture. Continue reading