All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

New Data Available on

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Corn Grain Hybrid Tests  – Preliminary results of the 2011 Corn Hybrid Tests are available that include experiment station and standardize county data (summarized by Fred Allen, Richard Johnson, Bob Williams and Angela McClure).  LINK HERE


Insecticide and Bt Technology Trials – The summarized results of many tests in 2011 comparing the efficacy of insecticides on common insect pests in cotton, corn and soybean. There are also summaries for trials comparing the efficacy of Bt cotton or Bt corn technologies.    LINK HERE

Cotton Response to Sulfur Applications

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Cotton Response to Sulfur Applications

Frank Yin, Assistant Professor and Systems Agronomist
Chris Main, Associate Professor and Extension Cotton Specialist

Sulfur deficiencies in cotton have been observed more frequently in recent years due to increased use of S-free fertilizers, greater removal of S from soil by crops with higher yields, lower S deposits to soil from the atmosphere, and less use of S-containing pesticides. Continue reading

Insect Management – The Season Ends (or does it?)

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Surely we are done worrying about insect pests!  Well that is the case for cotton as any spraying at this late date would be akin to chasing the pot at the end of a rainbow.  However, don’t let one week of fall-like temperatures fool you.  Late maturing soybean fields will be a sink for insect pests Continue reading

Cotton Field Day September 7th, 2011

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Tour Cotton with the UT Institute of Agriculture

JACKSON, Tenn. – UT AgResearch and UT Extension are hosting the annual Cotton
Tour on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at the West Tennessee AgResearch &
Education Center. Featuring eight informative presentations, led by cotton,
insect and weed specialists from across the region, Cotton Tour will begin at
8:30 a.m. and conclude by 1:00 p.m. Registration begins at 8:00. Continue reading