All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

UT Cotton Scout School, Friday, May 25th

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UT Cotton Scout School on Friday, May 25th at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson.  Registration will begin at 8:00 AM (no fee or preregistration required).  The program will end with a box lunch and a go-to-the-field session for those interested after lunch.

Armyworm Action in Wheat is Picking Up

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I’ve had calls about cutworms and slugs this week.  You can see my comments about slugs in last week’s post (link here).  However, the most common question has been on armyworms in wheat.  Calls have varied from low populations, but some with head clipping, to high populations that have caused severe defoliation.  The picture below is that of near complete defoliation, including the beards of wheat, from Crockett County. Continue reading

Slugs in Corn and Other Crops; Armyworms in Corn

Slugs.  There have been a few calls about slug feeding in corn, and I would expect some similar calls in other crops as they emerge. Slugs, unlike snails, lack shells and commonly feed on plants. They feed on leaves and sometimes cut the stems of cotton or soybean seedlings similar to cutworms. Snails rarely cause economic damage to field crops, and the ones typically encountered do not even feed on the plants. There are no Continue reading

The Bug Front is Mostly Quiet

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Armyworms in Wheat – Unlike some areas to our south, there have been very few calls on armyworms.  Granted, many people included an insecticide with their fungicide, but the few reports of those that didn’t indicate that armyworms are not an issue.  I have not found armyworms in the wheat at the Jackson experiment station.  Dr. Angus Catchot did an excellent podcast about the treatment threshold for armyworms in Mississippi, which is essentially the same as ours (link here).  Cereal leaf beetles also Continue reading