All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

Threecornered Alfalfa Hoppers – Soybean and Cotton

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Threecornered alfalfa hopper adult

Phone calls about threecornered alfalfa hopper (TCAH) have ballooned this week.  Tennessee is on the northern edge of their distribution, so we sometimes see low populations in early season following a harsh winter.  But with the mild winter last year, TCAH appear to be off to an early start.  These insects have piercing-sucking mouthparts and will feed in a circular pattern (girdle) around stems and Continue reading

Preparing for Plant Bugs

As our earliest cotton is beginning to square, below are a few bullet points to remember.  We need to be especially alert considering the unusual season we have had thus far.  There almost certainly has been an extra generation of tarnished plant bugs give the early spring we had this year.

  1. Initially, the heaviest tarnished plant bug infestations are often concentrated in Continue reading

Here Come the Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles are getting more and more numerous, and like a lot of insects this year, populations are ahead of schedule.  Japanese beetles will feed in corn, soybean and cotton.  These showy beetles often hang out in groups and draw a lot of attention.  Fortunately, they only occasionally cause yield loss in field crops.  The beetles will feed on Continue reading