All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

Southwestern Corn Borer Flight Begins

Based on moth trap catches, the second generation flight of southwestern corn borers (SWCB) is already beginning at some locations.  This second generation will pose a threat to non-Bt corn and an even greater threat to any relatively late planted corn.  This threat will be mostly isolated to places where there was a substantial first generation moth flight. Continue reading

Stink Bugs in Soybean and R3 Insecticide Sprays with Fungicide

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Green Stink Bug

Stink Bugs.  Thus far stink bug populations in soybean appear to be relatively low.  In particular I have not seen or heard many reports of green stink bugs, which is usually our primary species.  At this time of year, they often concentrate in the earliest soybean fields (those setting pods). 

Our treatment threshold for stink bugs in soybean changed a couple of years ago.  UT now suggests a threshold of 36 stink bugs per 100 sweeps from R1 to R7 . Continue reading