All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

Steps for Managing Insects in Grain Sorghum

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With a substantial increase in sorghum acres, there are a lot of questions about managing insect pests. Sorghum will typically require more insect management then corn, especially in the Bt corn era. This means we are more likely to need one or more foliar insecticide applications. Below are some steps you should be thinking about for managing insects in grain sorghum. Continue reading

Cotton in the ground, thrips in the air

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That’s kind of a dramatic title, but it is true that thrips are always present on seedling cotton at some level. We’ve finally have some cotton getting out of the ground. It is almost a given that this cotton was treated with imidacloprid (e.g., Gaucho, Aeris, Acceleron FI). Thiamethoxam-based seed treatments such as Cruiser or Avicta are no longer recommended in cotton because Continue reading

Thinking About Plant Bugs in Cotton

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It seems inevitable that cotton acres will drop in 2015, perhaps to a record low. I believe the number one factor causing increased plant bug pressure is reduced cotton acres, concentrating similar numbers of plant bugs in fewer acres. Thus, I suspect tarnished plant bugs will continue to be a major factor in cotton. Plant bugs are an important but manageable problem. Below are a few bullet points to think about in advance of planting. Continue reading