A fair share of our cotton is emerging, recently planted, or will be planted in the next week. It’s a good time for a few reminders about thrips control. Continue reading
All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center
Status of Section 18 Requests (Emergency Insecticide Use)
Three Section 18 requests have been submitted to the EPA related to insecticide use in field crops. Below is a brief update on the status of those requests. Continue reading
Cutworms, corn, and in-furrow insecticides
As we approach corn planting time, I’ve had several questions related to cutworm management and/or the use of in-furrow insecticides. I’ve written about this subject before (https://news.utcrops.com/2015/03/is-it-too-early-to-think-about-cutworms/).
Although cutworms are not a common problem on most acres, they can sneak up on you. The suggested treatment threshold for cutworms is when 5% or more of plants are damaged or 2 or more larvae are found per 100 plants. However, I often recommend a Continue reading
Sugarcane Aphid Tolerant Hybrids
Although it appears acres of grain sorghum will drop substantially in Tennessee during 2016, those still planning on growing sorghum may find the information linked below helpful. This publication was developed by Sebe Brown and Dr. David Kerns (LSU AgCenter). It is a list of hybrids that have shown some resistance to infestations of sugarcane aphids. This list is not all inclusive, including only those hybrids that have been evaluated. Not all hybrids would be appropriate for our area, but it is a starting point. Please note that insecticides may still be needed to manage infestations. Continue reading
Wheat, Aphids, and Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus
It’s the time of year. A late winter insecticide application for the control of aphids in wheat often results in a yield increase. I typically recommend an application before the end of the month. UT data suggests this reduces or delays barley yellow dwarf virus. A late winter insecticide application Continue reading
Upcoming Crop Production Meetings
Meeting season is in full swing, and there are several educational opportunities fast approaching (see below). Pesticide re-certification points and CCA points will be available at all these meeting. Additional details will be provided soon! Continue reading
Weed and Insect Control Recommendations Now Available
The 2016 Weed Control Manual for Tennessee (PB1580) and the 2016 Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops (PB1768) are now available online. As always, hard copies will be made available at various county and state production meetings and at Extension county offices. But they are always a couple of clicks away at UTcrops.com.
![Insect Control Guide](https://news.utcrops.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/PB1768-239x300.jpg)
![Weed Control Manual](https://news.utcrops.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/PB1580-e1450443869122.jpg)
New Sorghum Insect Scouting Video
A new, 12-minute video on the scouting of common insect pests in sorghum is now available at UTcrops.com, or you can directly link to the video below. Thanks to UT’s own Ginger Rowsey for her hard work putting this together.