All posts by Scott Stewart, West TN Research & Education Center

Reminder – Cotton Scout School this Friday (May 27)

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The UT Cotton Scout School will be held on Friday, May 27th in Room A at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson). Registration will begin at 8:00 AM with the official program starting at 8:30. The program will end with a lunch, but those interested can attend a short  ‘go to the field’ session after lunch. Topics will include crop development, insect and weed identification, scouting techniques, and more. No registration fee or preregistration is required.

Comment on Proposed New Label for Transform Insecticide

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I recently forwarded information about commenting on the Section 18 request that would allow the use of Transform WG insecticide for control of plant bugs in cotton. Now, the EPA has opened a 30-day comment period for the new Transform label under consideration. There are several important components of the new label. Most importantly, it excludes any use on cotton. The proposed label and any comments you would like to make can be made until June 17 on the following website:!docketDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0889.



URGENT: 15-Day Comment Period about Section 18 for Transform Insecticide in Cotton is Ending

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The Section 18 for the use of Transform (sulfoxaflor) use in cotton in the states of AR, MS and TN will have a 15 day comment period ending May 20, 2016. The link to post a comment is below. Please make a comment if you want your opinion counted.

UT Cotton Scout School, May 27th

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The annual UT Cotton Scout School will be held on Friday, May 27th in Room A at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson). Registration will begin at 8:00 AM with the official program starting at 8:30. It will end with a lunch, but those interested can attend a short  ‘go to the field’ session Continue reading

Webcast on Managing Thrips in Cotton

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Cotton Incorporated and the Plant Management Network have released another “Focus on Cotton” video.  In this video, Dr. Michael Toews from the University of Georgia discusses thrips management in the Southeast. Many of his comments would be relevant to the Mid-South.  You can directly access the video below or go to the Focus on Cotton Webpage.

Watch Presentation (33 min 28 sec) – Thrips Management in the Southeast US

Insecticide Options for Plant Bugs in Cotton

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As most of you know, the label for Transform WG insecticide was revoked at the end of last year. A Section 18 is pending which would allow the use of Transform in cotton, but it is very possible that we will not have access to Transform in 2017. Even if the Section 18 is granted, there might be significant restrictions on its use. So what is the plan to manage tarnished plant bugs in cotton if Transform is not available? Really, my strategy Continue reading