All posts by Sebe Brown, IPM Extension Specialist

Fall Armyworms in Double Cropped Soybeans

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I’ve received several reports, over the last two days, on fall armyworms (FAW) infesting double cropped soybeans. Almost every one of these calls were incidents of grass escapes and the lone exception was FAW migrating from a grass turn-row into v-stage beans. Somethings to keep in mind, vegetative soybeans can withstand 30% defoliation before yield loss and reproductive stage soybeans can withstand 20% defoliation before yield loss. Below is guide to help gauge defoliation levels.

Visual Guide to Soybean Defoliation
Visual Guide to Soybean Defoliation

If you do see armyworms it shouldn’t be automatically assumed that pyrethroids won’t be effective. We don’t fully understand why pyrethroids provided inconsistent control in 2021. Resistance is a possibility but overlapping generations causing mixing of various worm sizes resulting the appearance of poor control is another possibility. Also, since armyworms don’t overwinter in Tennessee and there is no evidence of reverse migration, the armyworms we experienced in 2021 won’t be the same ones we see in subsequent years. However, if pyrethroids do fail to control armyworms please contact your local county agent.

The FAW we are currently facing are the rice/grass strain, not the corn strain. They are impossible to distinguish visually but they are very host specific. Grass strain FAW almost always colonize grass, not soybeans, corn or cotton. Corn strain FAW almost always infest corn, soybeans or cotton not grass or rice. Another key difference is grass strain FAW are typically very susceptible to pyrethroids while corn strain are resistant. What happens when grass escapes occur in soybeans is the grass is controlled and FAW are forced off of a dying host on to soybeans. They don’t necessarily want to eat the soybeans but have no other options. If you have FAW in your fields and haven’t controlled grass yet, adding a pyrethroid would be a prudent step to save another potential trip. If you want other options outside of pyrethroids or are concerned they won’t work that list is here:

Acephate: 0.75 lb ai/ac,

Diamond: 6.0 fl oz/a,

Intrepid 4.0 fl oz/a,

Intrepid Edge 4.0 fl oz/a,

Vantacor 1.2 fl oz/a,

Elevest 5.6 fl oz/a,

Besiege 7.0 fl oz/a

Don’t automatically reach for the diamides (Vantacor, Elevest, Besiege) these products provide excellent FAW control but are costly.  All of the above products will provide satisfactory control of FAW in soybeans.

Tarnished Plant Bug Considerations in Blooming Cotton

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TPB Adult
TPB Adult

Tarnished plant bug numbers seem to be all over the board in 2024. Some fields have one spray since square set and others have had upwards of five. Crop age and what’s neighboring your cotton play a large part of how intense plant bug pressure is over time. That being said, keeping an eye on square retention is the best gauge to determine how well your insecticides are performing. Most I’ve talked to have applied Diamond at least once since first bloom. Diamond shines when you catch early plant bug hatches often after large adult migrations during late squaring and we see a good ROI with Diamond around that 1st week of bloom timing.

Going into bloom, I don’t think neonics have a fit in any scenario. Every time we test a neonic sprayed after bloom its often one of, if not, the worst treatments in the test. Once you see a flower migrate to the Transform, Acephate, Bidrin treatments. Pyrethroids can be added in with OP’s to help increase control and acephate + pyrethroid can catch a few bollworms in the top of the canopy if you’re close to cut out (although our 3 gene cottons are doing a great job of controlling bollworms). Diamond should rotated around in the bloom mix also. Overlapping Diamond residual, usually spaced out every other shot, can help reinforce control of nymphs. I don’t like Diamond fb Diamond in succession. Diamond’s effects may take 7 to even 10 days to notice and sequential shots may not take full advantage of the residual it provides, but that’s situation dependent.

Thryvon bloom performance is on par with what we’re accustomed to seeing. Square retention is often better in Thryvon and plant bug numbers, especially nymphs, are lower. Insecticides seem to perform better in Thryvon for a couple of reasons. Less insects are typically easier to control, plant bug population growth is slower and we think the nymphs don’t settle in bracts/blooms like they do in non-Thryvon. Nymphs are constantly moving in Thryvon and the more they move, the higher likelihood they’ll encounter an insecticide.  Final note, Thryvon has minimal, if any, activity on stink bugs and if you’ve gotten by without using a broad-spectrum insecticide mid to late bloom, I would add an OP or pyrethroid to clean up any building/lingering populations.

Rumors of Armyworms Appearing

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Over the past couple days, I’ve gotten a few reports of fall armyworms in pastures on the Mississippi/Alabama border with Tennessee. Tennessee will still have armyworms that migrate North and infest pastures, food plots and the occasional yard every year.  However, the situation that happened in 2021 was a very unique event and will not occur yearly. That being said, reports of armyworms in 2024 are roughly two weeks earlier than what we typically see.

Fall Armyworms in Sweep a Net
Fall Armyworms in a Sweep Net

Fall armyworms don’t overwinter in Tennessee and populations migrate North from Texas and Florida every year. The difference in 2021 vs 2023-24 is the conditions that were occurring in April and May in South Texas. Texas experienced a warm and unseasonably wet spring that allowed for the proliferation of extremely large numbers of armyworms. Large numbers of moths plus ample food supply in pasture grasses, fallow grasses, yards and pretty much anywhere that had grass allowed this “army” to make its way North. Texas experienced outbreaks first followed by Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi then Tennessee with the moth flight culminating, in Canada, in November. I ask my colleagues, in Southern states, weekly if they are seeing any armyworms or anything resembling what happened in 2021 and the answer has consistently been no. My colleagues in Arkansas are getting calls about armyworms in rice and pastures but nothing even close to what was experienced in 2021.

If you do see armyworms it shouldn’t be automatically assumed that pyrethroids won’t be effective. We don’t fully understand why pyrethroids provided inconsistent control in 2021. Resistance is a possibility but overlapping generations causing mixing of various worm sizes resulting the appearance of poor control is another possibility. Also, since armyworms don’t overwinter in Tennessee and there is no evidence of reverse migration, the armyworms we experienced in 2021 won’t be the same ones we see in subsequent years. However, if pyrethroids do fail to control armyworms please contact your local county agent.

Going forward, pasture treatments should be considered when armyworm populations exceed 3 to 4 worms per square foot. If fields are ready or near ready for cutting, harvesting is suggested rather than applying an insecticide. Producers may watch for the presence of birds in a field as an indicator of armyworms. This method should not be the only one used to check for armyworms because this indication often is too late to avoid field injury. Early signs of infestations by small larvae cause plants to have a “window-paned” appearance. This is due to the larvae’s inability, at small sizes, to chew completely through the leaf blade leaving the upper epidermis intact. Large areas of window panning will give fields a frosted appearance. Ideally, scouting should be initiated in late July to early August without the presence of birds or frosted patches appearing so infestations can be caught early. When scouting during times when armyworms are not feeding (midday) be sure to dig through the thatch layer and check the base of plants. Detection of frass (insect excrement) is also a sign that armyworms may be present in a field.

Information on grazing restrictions, application rates and insecticide choice can be found below.


The take home is scout early and often for armyworms in pastures, hayfields and turf areas. It may be prudent to initiate scouting earlier than we’re accustomed to catch any early infestations that may slip by.


2024 UT Soybean Scout Schools

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UT’s Soybean Scout Schools will be held in July (see details below). These field-side programs cover the basics of soybean growth, scouting, pest identification, and general management. Pesticide recertification and CCA CEU points will be available. Scout Schools are offered free of charge with sponsorship from the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board. Registration is not required. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and a sweep net while supplies last.

 West TN – Madison County, July 15th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be at the West TN Research and Education Center, 605 Airways Blvd. Jackson TN, 38301. Signs will be up at the station to direct you to the field.

2024 Franklin County Soybean Scout School
2024 Franklin County Soybean Scout School

Middle TN – Franklin County, July 16th, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. This school will be at 601 Cumberland St., Cowan TN 37318. Contact Matthew Deist for more information. 931-967-2741, Register online at

West TN–  Obion County, July 17th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be held at the Obion Farmers Coop,  810 Mt. Zion Rd Union City, TN 38261. Contact Garrett McDaniel for more information, 731-223-1178.

Tarnished Plant Bugs Migrating into Squaring Cotton

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I’ve received a few calls on adult tarnished plant bug migration into squaring cotton. Silking corn, blooming soybeans and flowering pigweed all contribute to large increases in plant bug numbers that make their way to ThryvOn and non-ThryvOn cotton.  ThryvOn’s bt gene can help reduce the amount of injury plant bugs inflict to squaring cotton but adults, especially large numbers of adults, can knock squares off of ThryvOn just like non-ThryvOn. I’ve seen ThryvOn cotton go from 90 plus percent square retention to sub 50 percent in 5 days due a large, consistent migration of adult plant bugs. The biggest benefit we see from ThryvOn is the reduction of plant bug immatures in bloom. That being said, you will typically see increased square retention in ThryvOn vs non-ThryvOn throughout the fruiting period. Scout your cotton and don’t ignore migrating plant bugs in ThryvOn or non-ThryvOn.  Also, many of the newer varieties begin squaring on the 5th or 6th node and we need to quickly transition from scouting for thrips to plant bugs.

TPB Adult
TPB Adult

Based on field reports, 2.0 oz/a of Centric is performing well on plant bug populations. Although the same class of chemistry, imidacloprid’s performance is fair at best and recolonization often happens quickly after an imidacloprid application. I try to not recommend consecutive applications of neonics due to efficacy falling off after the first shot. However, consecutive shots of neonics may be warranted for several reasons (cost, presence of mites, personal choice etc.) and on the second application I tend to increase rates of Centric to 2.5 oz/a especially if it was used previously. After the second application we’ve pretty much exhausted that chemistry. Other options are: acephate which carries a high risk of flaring mites and aphids especially in our current dry period, Vydate which is effective in killing plant bugs but has limited residual, roughly 36 hours, Bidrin isn’t labelled for plant bugs between first square and bloom, Transform, which is very effective, but is expensive and many want to save those shots for bloom unless aphids are present and Diamond. Diamond’s activity is best utilized in the 3rd week of squaring to first bloom window, several studies at MSU and UT have shown the best ROI of 6.0 fl oz/a Diamond during that time period.

Final note, I’ve received a few questions on squaring cotton having poor square retention but very few or no plant bugs are found scouting. Adult plant bugs, especially at this time of year, will move in and out of cotton quickly. The abundance of alternative hosts facilitates movement in and out of cotton without colonization. The take home is since most are scouting once a week, it is prudent to be more aggressive with applications and not risk square retention falling below 80% if you’re close. Monitoring square retention is one of, if not, the best way to determine if early-season treatments are working. Migrating adults can give the impression of an insecticide failure, but maintaining good square retention is a good indication that treatments are working.

EPA Requests Comments on Acephate Cancellation Proposal

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The EPA is soliciting public comment on a registration review decision where the EPA proposes to cancel all uses of acephate, except for injections to non-food bearing trees. Acephate is widely utilized in Tennessee row crop agriculture and is a critical component of IPM programs. Cancelling an important crop protection product would place increased pressure on a limited number of control options available to producers.  We are encouraging agricultural professionals to comment to the EPA on the impacts acephate has on your production systems. If you need assistance with comments please contact your UT extension specialist. The link to comment is below. Deadline for comments is July, 1, 2024.


Cotton Scout School (May 21, 2024)

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The UT Cotton Scout School is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st, at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson). There is no fee, and preregistration is not required. Registration begins at 8:00 AM with the program starting at 8:30. Pesticide points in categories 1, 4, 10 and 12 will be offered and a BBQ lunch will be provided. Content will include classroom and hands-on training with an optional go-to-the-field session after lunch. Topics covered will include cotton development and identification and symptoms of insect pests, plant diseases, and weeds.

Early Season Thrips Considerations in Cotton

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With warm conditions moving into West TN, many producers are  underway with cotton planting. Below are a few things to consider with regards to thrips control.

ThryvOn: ThryvOn is Bayer’s Bt technology that has activity on thrips and plant bugs. ThryvOn cotton varieties are very effective against thrips and it is not anticipated that any fields will need foliar  treatments. ThryvOn will still have thrips present (adults and immatures) but insecticide applications should not be triggered on thrips numbers but damage level (Fig 1.). Applications should be initiated when plant damage is approaching 3 in figure 1. That being said, I’ve evaluated ThryvOn varieties for several years under excellent and terrible growing conditions and I as well as my colleagues across the cotton belt, have never recommended a foliar spray for thrips.

Thrips Damage Ratings (D. Cook MSU)
Thrips Damage Ratings (D. Cook MSU)

Insecticide Seed Treatments (ISTs): ISTs are the predominate control method for thrips in cotton. IST performance can be highly variable depending on weather conditions and thrips pressure. High thrips pressure and poor growing conditions will often necessitate the use of foliar sprays even with ISTs. Seed treatment packages typically come in a base (storage rate of imidacloprid + fungicide) and field rates of imidacloprid (these have several names) + fungicides, others may have nematicides, biologicals etc. Base treated seed may as well have no insecticide, the small stored product rate will offer almost no control of insects in the field. Standard options of imidacloprid (0.375 mg ai/seed) are the minimum needed for insect control in field cotton.

In-furrow: In-furrow liquid applications of imidacloprid are more effective than seed treatments; however, resistance development to neonicotinoids are diminishing the efficacy of imidacloprid in-furrow. Fields with in-furrow imidacloprid may still require a foliar spray under heavy thrips pressure. Granular AgLogic (aldicarb 15G) is highly effective against thrips populations and works like aldicarb should.

Foliar Spray Options: My recommendations are going to be limited for foliar sprays. Based on ongoing tobacco thrips resistance monitoring, to organophosphates (OPs), started by Scott Stewart several years ago, I am hesitant to recommend Orthene or Bidrin for thrips sprays. Resistance levels, in assayed populations from West TN, and the number of complaint calls I received last year are a good indication that OPs have limited use against our tobacco thrips populations. There may be areas where OP’s worked last year but it’s hard to say if they will work this year. That being said, Intrepid Edge at 3.0 fl oz/a is my go to for foliar thrips control. Although more expensive than the OPs, Intrepid Edge runs no risk of flaring mites or aphids and a surfactant has shown to increase efficacy (herbicide surfactants will work if you’re co-applying). Recolonization vs failure is another subject with foliar sprays. Presence of adults doesn’t mean the application didn’t work, adult thrips are always present on seedling cotton. Presence of immature thrips means adults are feeding and laying eggs and whatever control method you used is broken.

I am big believer in NCSU’s thrips predictor model We utilize the model to target planting when thrips numbers are highest, growers would do the opposite. Model runs for locations around West TN show that cotton planted May 1st through the 15th have a low to medium probability of experiencing large thrips populations. This is hopefully a welcome relief from years of cold, wet springs with large thrips populations plaguing our cotton. The warm weather will help germinate cotton quicker and standard ISTs may be enough to push us to the 4 true leaf stage (when thrips are typically no longer a concern) without a foliar spray.