There have been a number of reports of pre applied herbicides not becoming activated in corn. In most cases a significant stand of Palmer amaranth is up with the corn. Continue reading
All posts by Larry Steckel, Extension Weed Specialist
Issues with Ryegrass in Corn
![Ryegrass in Corn](
Several corn fields had ryegrass escape glyphosate + dicamba early burndown. These fields were then retreated with paraquat + atrazine or glyphosate + atrazine at planting that also did not provide good control (picture right). The time to control ryegrass is prior to planting. The most consistent way to control it is sequential paraquat applications spaced Continue reading
Fomesafen Carryover in Corn Update
![Corn Symptoms from Fomesafen Carryover](
The call of the last 10 days continues to be concerns on fomesafen carryover in corn. I had an opportunity to walk a number of these fields this week. The corn was showing the characteristic corn leaf vein chlorosis (picture right) caused by fomesafen carryover. It is not a real surprise as it is well known that fomesafen applied within 10 months of corn planting can carry over into corn. This has not happened often over the last several years because the summers/falls were wet compared to 2011. Wet soils will readily break down fomesafen. Another reason this has not happened in the last several years is due to Continue reading
Fomesafen Carryover in Corn
There have been a number of calls on corn that is showing some stunting and interveinal chlorosis (Picture right). In some cases the injury is more substantial with some leaves showing some burn. The reason for some of this injury is fomesafen (Flexstar, Prefix, Reflex, Dawn, Rhythm) carryover from last year. Continue reading
Spraying Corn When the Weather is Cold this Week
Corn planting is winding down. The post application timing for corn has now started. There have been a number of calls from folks who are concerned they will get poor weed control spraying this week with the cooler night time temperatures. Continue reading
Palmer Amaranth Flowering in Early April
Much of the Palmer amaranth that is now 3 to 5” tall is flowering. Quite a few folks have asked what the reason is for this early flower. The Palmer amaranth has been triggered to flower by the short day length of March and now early April. Quite literally the Palmer amaranth that has emerged thinks it is late August or September. Palmer amaranth that we are most familiar with emerges from late-April through June. Continue reading
Weed Control in Cotton Going to Three Passes Before Emergence
Visiting with consultants and a few growers it is apparent that a good deal of our cotton acres will see three herbicide application passes before the cotton is up. The early application was typically glyphosate + dicamba or glyphosate + dicamba + Leadoff. With Palmer amaranth emerging now many are considering using Continue reading
Questions on Poor Burndown of Cover Crop Wheat
There have been numerous reports of poor control of cover crop or volunteer wheat with glyphosate + dicamba or glyphosate + dicamba + Leadoff over the last ten days. This poor control has been somewhat spotty and not occurred in every field. Earlier those very same treatments were providing consistent control of wheat across the board. The question is why the wheat control is inconsistent now with Continue reading