The wheat maturity stage across Tennessee varies quite a bit. Much of the variance is due to the wide range of planting dates last fall coupled with the cold winter which has really checked up growth particularly of later planted fields. Unfortunately, you really have to squint to see the wheat in some of these later planted fields. A good bit of the Tennessee wheat crop falls into this category. However, there were some more timely planted wheat fields last fall and this wheat looks good and is well on its way to getting to the first node. This maturity stage of wheat is a major cut-off point for many herbicides used in wheat. Continue reading
All posts by Larry Steckel, Extension Weed Specialist
Dicamba Shortage Burndown Options
From visiting with retailers the past month it is very apparent there will be a major shortage of dicamba for burndown again this spring. A number of folks from different retailers have stated that they have been allocated only a fraction of all the dicamba they sold two years ago. Continue reading
Wheat Variety Tolerance to Metribuzin
We have fielded a number of calls from folks who believe that they are seeing more metribuzin injury on wheat this fall than in previous years. Continue reading
2013 Preliminary Cotton County Standard Trial Results
The preliminary results from the 2013 county standard trials are now available below in ‘.pdf ‘ format. There is only one CST left to harvest and that data along with yield quality data will be posted as soon as that information is received from the USDA classing office.
2013 Tennessee Preliminary Cotton CST Results
2013 Preliminary Cotton Official Variety Trial Results
Preliminary results from the 2013 cotton official variety trials are now available below in ‘.pdf ‘ format. These results will be updated once the rest of the 2013 County Standard Trials are harvested and yield quality data is received from the USDA classing office.
2013 Preliminary Cotton Official Variety Trial Results
Cotton Defoliation 2013
There is no question that defoliating cotton this year will be challenging. Many of these challenges can be attributed to late planting dates, too much moisture during the growing season, lack of DD60 accumulation, or from planting a later maturing variety. Regardless the cause, there are many questions and concerns coming in about harvest aid materials as we start moving closer to harvest season. Continue reading
Control of Volunteer Corn Before Wheat Planting
The corn yields we have had here on the station as well as what I have heard of in farmer’s fields have been quite good. Even some of my weedy checks are making 160 bu/A! However, I know there are many drowned out areas in the corn that will lower the yield average and likely have stressed corn with small ears that will drop through the snap rollers. With many folks intending to plant wheat behind corn, volunteer corn will likely be a big problem this fall particularly in those areas. Continue reading
After Corn Harvest Palmer Control Options
![3' tall palmer after corn harvest](
Corn harvest has begun in some spots and will likely get rolling over a more general area toward the end of next week. As the combines cut corn they are often leaving behind a very green field of Palmer amaranth (Picture left). Moreover, it is not uncommon to find that areas of fields where the corn stand is thin, do to all the wet weather last spring, now have 3 to 6’ tall Palmer just now rolling into flowering. These pigweed need Continue reading