Unfortunately, due to the weather some soybean fields ran out of residual some time back and post applications have not been able to be applied timely. The question is how we proceed from here? Continue reading
All posts by Larry Steckel, Extension Weed Specialist
Confusing marestail with burnweed?
With calls coming in about weed identification, one weed has been particularly popular this year. Burnweed is an erect summer annual plant that can be found throughout the Midwestern and Eastern parts of the United States. Many folks mistake burnweed for horseweed and indeed from the road it does look like horseweed. Continue reading
Double Crop Burndown Strategy
Wheat harvest is in full gear and yield reports have been very good. This of course has led to a number of questions on double crop burndown strategy. Continue reading
Weed Tour – Wednesday June 25
Dear Colleagues
The University of Tennessee Weed Tour will be held next Wednesday, June 25 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson, TN (605 Airways Blvd). Registration will start at 8:30 A.M. and the tour will begin at 9:00 A.M.. Continue reading
Very Large Palmer Amaranth in Soybean
Calls coming in from folks this past weekend and even Monday reported the height of the Palmer amaranth in their fields in inches. Just two days later (Wednesday) more pigweed calls came in and the description of the Palmer amaranth height was given in feet! Continue reading
Water, Water Everywhere – Late Palmer Amaranth Managment Strategies in Soybean and Cotton
This is shaping up to be the “Year of the Pigweed”. That is how one consultant described our situation which, unfortunately, for many fields is right on the mark. Frequent flooding and hard rains last week followed by more of the same this week make it impossible to spray Palmer amaranth as timely as needed. Continue reading
Liberty Time of Day Application Managment
There will be quite a bit of Liberty being sprayed over the next couple weeks. This is just a quick reminder that the time of day that Liberty is applied has large determination on the success or failure of that application. Continue reading
Cotton Injury From Post-Applied Dual Magnum and Warrant
A lot of reports of cotton injury from post applied Dual Mag or Warrant over the past several days. This is not unusual as we have this issues to some degree every year. Continue reading