All posts by Larry Steckel, Extension Weed Specialist

Does Adding a Residual to Burndown Make Sense?

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When planning your burndown does a residual make sense?  That depends on if a follow-up burndown is planned at planting, the expected planting date and what is the intended crop. If the expected planting date is 3 weeks or so off and the plan is to burndown with something at planting then a residual in with the burndown now is probably not warranted. However, if the intended planting date is more than 30 days away, then a residual can provide the advantage of not having a big, grown up mess to have to plant into. Continue reading

Post-Harvest Weed Control

Corn harvest will likely start toward the end of this month. As the corn dries down the next couple weeks expect a new flush of Palmer amaranth. Moreover, with all the rain the first week of August any thin corn stand areas will likely have a new heavy flush of Palmer amaranth.  Though no one wants to spend more money with corn commodity price so low, it will pay off next spring to have less Palmer amaranth to mange in soybean or cotton.  Continue reading