A sample from the soybean sentinel plot in Coffee County collected August 29th contained very low levels of soybean rust. Late planted soybeans in the area are at risk and would benefit from a fungicide application. Continue reading
All posts by Heather Marie Kelly, Extension Plant Pathologist
Soybean disease update and what you should know about fungicide combos
In the past weeks soybeans have gotten into reproductive growth stages and diseases have started appearing as well as questions about making fungicides combinations. Continue reading
Target spot in cotton – the knowns and unknowns
Since the first report of target spot in cotton in Tennessee in 2013 it has been found in more fields and earlier in the season. This year in particular some have sprayed a fungicide to protect their cotton in Tennessee. Continue reading
Soybean Disease Update
Many soybean fields are in reproductive growth stages and need to be scouted for disease to decide if a fungicide is needed. Some diseases that have been observed in fields in Tennessee include frogeye leaf spot, septoria brown spot, and downy mildew. Continue reading
Corn Disease Update
So far corn diseases have been scarce in Tennessee in the 2016 season. Continue reading
Scouting for Soybean Diseases and Deciding on Fungicides
To determine if a disease will become a significant PEST, that will effect yield, four main factors need to be considered… Continue reading
Distinguishing Diseases from Chemical Injury in Soybean
Soybean diseases and chemical injury can be difficult to correctly diagnose in the field. Some general information about diseases in soybean and common chemical injury follow to help distinguish between the two. Continue reading
Corn Disease Update
With the earliest planted corn in Tennessee tasseling, corn should be scouted for diseases which are key factors when considering fungicide application. In the southeast, common and southern corn rust have been reported, although neither have been found in Tennessee yet. Continue reading