All posts by Angela McClure, Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist

About Angela McClure, Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist

Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist

Use Full Nitrogen Rate behind Mixed Cover Crops

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Frequent rains have put everybody behind schedule this spring for terminating their cover crops.  Termination timing impacts how quickly cover crops start to break down, potentially releasing nitrogen to corn, however, recent research suggests many cover mixtures are quite limited in their ability to contribute enough nitrogen to warrant cutting fertilizer rates. Continue reading

Corn Planting off to Slow Start

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With weekly rains, cloudy weather, and sunny days interspersed with morning frosts, March of 2018 hasn’t been one for the record books if the goal was to plant corn early. March planted corn can yield well if we have decent conditions for emergence, however, waiting for better conditions appears to be the right thing to do for many parts of the state.  Continue reading